Saturday, 19 November 2011

Ignorance is Fashionable : The Stupid Rule

 (Picture from National Geographic News Oct 28 2010 of a storm damaged house)

Ignorance is Fashionable : The Stupid Rule

I'm utterly amazed at the ignorance on the issue that is man made climate change. People just don't want to know. I predict when it all goes to shit. They will still not want to know.

Winding their way with their shopping trolleys, stepping over dead bodies, pass upturned isles, along muddied floors, picking up what little products are left, the zombies make their way to the check out, only to find no one staffing them. No matter, dutifully, in every increasing long lines, with out a word of complaint the Zombies stand. For hours, days, weeks until death over takes them. Not the flesh eating brain sucking variety zombie of the horror movies. These Johnny Howard voters will just stand there. With blank looks on their faces. You will go up to them. Try and capture their attention. It doesn't matter in their world you don't exist. You used to think it was snobbery as the reason these people wouldn't engage with you before the collapse but now you realise the real reason. If you don't provide these child like people with information that is entertainment they don't want to know. If you try to provide them with knowledge that will help them, they will blot you out of their existence. For anything that challenges the coles new world kamart peoples view of the world will just simply be ignored.

Yet there is another more dangerouse kind of Zombie you will encounter. Despite all the disasters the climate change denialist will verbate add infinitum. He, usually a he, will pull statistics out of the air. Invent supposed studies that actually don't exist. Mis quote real scientific studies to the point that there findings will be turned upside down. In his holly, than even Jesus and Mohammad, combined mission to out argue against even the most senior scientist's perspectives, no arguement is too rediculous no not even the sun is made of iron argument.

(PS to those who haven't the least of knowledge, the sun is predominately made up of helium. Whats helium you ask. I answer I think we 'd better leave it there).

Too his untrained only year ten world view of  a wanted reality. There is no consequence to green house gasses. Co'2 is good for plants (Which it is but excessive amounts cause global warming). An man made climate change is just a grand hoax. Perpetuated on us by a world bodies of scientists justfying their funding and setting up a one world government. He will even explain how the coal and oil indistry is behind this plan and not behind funding of disinformation and doubt around climate change. This is despite Exon Oils known public campaign of doing precisely that. Its on their web page.

At some point you realise that your trapped he won't let you go. A couple of hours have passed and you want to leave this stupid place. There is only one way you have to agree with him and let him believe he has convinced you. Despite all your instincts to the contry, put your arm over his soldier and with a wild cry of indignity tell him that Lord Monsovate and Dr Ian Parmer and the wonderful Allen jones sanctioned gallialo movement have been much aligned. If only, tears now, John Howard had being voted in we wouldn't have a evil reptilian alien conspired ETS (You know Howard had the same policy as Gillard and Rudd and probably would have implemented it, truth and reality is not the issue hear, getting away is) Now this is important, as you notice all the other zombies nodding their heads in agreement with him, walk away slowly in a zombie juiltery fashion. Explain to then you forgote to get the tea and your going back into the store to get it. If they realise for a second, because they now acknowledge your existence, that your lying. Well you have seen zombie movies you know the consequence. Slip out the back. It will be easy thanks to an extream climatic event there is no back wall. You can see that they can't. Now get away quickly.

Back to the main story. We are going to find out any way. Due to the delays world wide on reducing co2 and other greenhouse gasses, scientists in London recently warned the chances of us preventing global warming of more than 2 degrees is zero. If we go above 3 degrees scientists warn the results of increased flooding, hurricanes, storm surges etc will be catastrophic.

Further more the the U.S. Department of Energy (as reported  by Tom Engelhardt in Aternet Nov 16 2011) reports:

"in 2010, humanity (with a special bow to China, the United States, and onrushing India) managed to pump more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than at any time since the industrial revolution began -- 564 million more tons than in 2009, which represents an increase of 6%. ... According to AP’s Seth Borenstein, that’s “higher than the worst case scenario outlined by climate experts just four years ago.” He’s talking about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, which is, if anything, considered "conservative" in its projections of future catastrophe by many climate scientists.  Put another way, we’re talking more greenhouse gases than have entered the Earth’s atmosphere in tens of millions of years.
            Consider as well the prediction offered by Fatih Birol, chief economist at the International Energy Agency: without an effective international agreement to staunch greenhouse gases within five years, the door will close on preventing a potentially disastrous rise in the planet’s temperature"

We used to have ten years now only five. Thanks oil industry funded delialists.OBE for Lord Monsovate. Come on. We know we want to give him one. Where I live it is known, that in the hills, an underground shelter already has being built for the well connected.They are not stupid but they rely on the stupid to continue in their apathy on this issue. Continue to sleep zombies. So they can make as much money as they can will the going is good. Drill Baby Drill , Frack Baby Frack. A nice paper bag of money or offer of membership to the company  board will ensure the polies and the regulatory bodies come on line. Bugger the consequence we've got to think of our share holders (as if they ever do).

When the crap hits the fan the powers to be will ensure those who tried to wake up the people, will get the blame. I am that jaded and cynical. Today people would rather hear about Micheal Jackson than somethings as important as the coming environmental catastrophes. Which we have already began to have a taste of. I'm sad to say but the stupid rule. Ignorance is Fashionable. There for nothing will be done in time. If fact its proven popular both hear in Australia and in the US  that politicians gain political credos by being climate change denialists.

May be its a good thing. Think what humanity would do to the rest of the universe. Scientists predict due to human activity, up to 70%, of all life forms on earth will become extinct. Can you imagine Justin Bieber fans, mac donalds, cheesy TV, Pauline Hanson on master chef competing with pre schoolers, Australian Idol, etc beamed all over the universe. We evolved from masturbating monkeys and so thus we shall be forgotten about. (Want proof check out creationist arguments. There's your proof) Some passing intelligent alien life from will view the destruction of humanity initially with great sadness. On closer inspection with great gladness. I doubt no where else does Gilligan's Island some's up a species, any where else in the universe, as it does humanity. Good bye to banga banga parties, George Bush fans, the Carlile Group , Heliburton, fox news and all that other shit. And don't get me started on the Tea Party movement both here in Australia and in the US.

 Here is little Story by me "Monkey Lesson Learned the Hard Way"

A long long time ago a monkey and a few of his friends saw an opportunity to leave the trees and begin a better life on the savanna. Like all intelligent beings he felt great compassion for his kind. He looked behind his troop and saw all the other monkeys sitting in the trees behind, either playing with their fiddly bits, preening them selves excessively, looking rather blankly and zombie like into space, boasting and thumping their chest or worshiping a magic stick. The stick he realised wasn't magical but he'd given up long ago trying to explain to them it was a tool to get at the ants in a nest and let them believe their folly. He felt sad. These monkeys could also befit from living on the savanna. I don't understand how or why but for once this monkey actually convinced the other monkeys to join his troop. In a great mass they all did. Every last one of them.

Go forward a couple of million years. The earth is dead. Some where deep in the ocean, around a open larva vent, life still clings. The seas are too acidic to support any life except these amoeba's. On what little land exists above sea level, a lone symbol exists to point to the existence of some kind of weird species that worshiped a clown. No not the Eiffel tower, London bridge nor the statue of liberty nor even the Egyptian pyramids but a big mac sign. Which sits on the roof of the last remaining structure built on the top of, the then mountain but now island, Mt Everest. A Mac Donald's store. Empty but for some rubbish packaging left on the tables. The only piece of literature was a porno mag "Mary's Big Juggs" and a CD case with the title,  "Come fart cocktails 5", staring Sasha Grey.

Go forward now millions of years a whole eon or two. Standing on a savanna, with a small troop of other monkeys, was an intelligent but more wiser monkey. Looking back at trees with the boasting, farting mass of idiots. He made a wise decision based on a deep seated hunch. "Umm not this time lest keep walking and leave the fox news doffa's behind.

Now go forward two million years a slightly different looking humanity passes a law no Mac Donald's full stop. This species unlike the previous one made it into the universe. To go join their other brothers and sisters of other worlds. Who too probably learned, the hard way, to leave their version of the magic stick worshiping, banga banga party, farting brigade behind.

Don't Worry one day in a distant future the stupid won't be with us and we will make it then..Just we and our worlds quite rich variety of wild life, will look a little different.