Tuesday, 25 November 2014

ABC Fucked Up the Arse. How dare you be balanced.

Concerning the drastic punishing cuts to the ABC. So to put it bluntly a media out let is only unbiased when it is avidly pro conservative, focuses on the injustices of Bob the builder and conveniently turns a blind eye to corporate corruption as exposed in the likes of the four corners inspired Fitzgerald inquiry. Well done Abbott, (soon to be Julie Bishop) and co and those who continue to bye into their lies. Bye Bye free and independent news and our democracy with it. 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Abbott on Fuel Price Rise

So that makes it ok then. Seems funny you exempt the mining industry from this rise in indexation. I wonder what you and your Murdoch media stooges would have said if Labor had done this?

What gets me is the silence of this issue on talk back radio. You should have heard the numpties fart over Labors bran new tax, ie carbon tax. Yet why all quiet on the western front concerning this tax which would effect Mr and Mrs ordinary far more.