Thursday, 11 June 2015

It is a waiting Game for the inetable end of the (Republicans) Repubtards.

I feel sorry for America. Its political system has become so toxic and unworkable due to the utter nutty extremism of its totally corporate owned, Jesus freak wing the Repubtards. Plus an equally corporate owned useless mainstream media. That gives so called balanced coverage for obvious idiotic policies versus even the most obviously needed policies. That some one with even half a brain can workout.

 In 2016, despite the cheating Repubtards, the Democrats, under Hillary, will very likely win not only the white house but both houses of the federal parliament. In 2020 they will do so again and interestingly, according to my research, constitutionally they can ungerrymander and unvoter suppress all the Repubtard controlled states. By then Repubtards deeply old and stupid demographic would have largely died off. The democratic base would have grown and I predict it will be totally bye bye Pat Roberson's Domionist hope, the wacky Repubtards. All I can say is I wish, for the sake of the US seriously doing something about climate change, etc, it couldn't happen sooner.

Then there is Burnie Sanders- interesting

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Religious nutters and haters can fuck off

I wouldn't normally post this but the fuckwit element in the mainstream religions have been in our faces for far too long. I'm sure there are plenty of intelligent, non homophobic, non bigoted, happy to be based in science, religious people out there but you need to do something about your resident nutters because your brand is seriously being damaged by them.

Apparently calling christian child molesters, especially well connected ones is racism.

Ah Christian love it warms my coccels

And from the US's resident catholic nutter come repubtard presidential hopeful. This dickhead gemm