Wednesday, 9 November 2016

The Trump presidency and what it means for the world. 

The Trump presidency and what it means for the world.The end of US Exceptionalism. There is a way around it. I'm sorry to say this because I still believe, despite the result, there are many great Americans. Yet as a world we can not rely on the US taking leadership any more. The US Trump land and it's buffoons need to be left behind. Europe must take up the mantel now in western leadership and forward thinking. Maybe the US will catch up some day but obviously not for a time.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Is the Utterly Unthinkable Happening A Trump US Presidency?

Well I was so wrong with my last post. The to near possible unfolding nightmare scenario of Trump Far Right Republican presidency within the US soon. I thought wrongly that the US was better than this but... 

There is though still a chance Hilary will win but by just a slim margin. There are a few days to go before the US election but the polls are too close.

Other factors which are not being taken into account is the security of Europe, once Putin has his puppet in power. The implications and peoples reactions to the implantation of Trumps Muslim ban. Threat to Latino's and other minorities. Such as the planned ethic cleansing by the KKK (they have openly stated this is what they will do if Trump wins). Ban on woman's vote and reproductive rights. The implementation of the far right christian telabanic agenda. Mike Pence, his running mate, is a domionionist. And so on. 

Then in my own Country with Australia's PM Melcome Turnbals flirting with one nation. Our country could to go down the same path. Scott Morrison, Abbott, etc are at least sympathetic to the domionionist agenda. 

As for the world now dealing with climate change ???? As a long time lefty environmental activist. I have never felt such despair. I'd delay any trip to the US. Please check the out come and safety issues. I predict war in Europe and a civil war in America within six months. Take care.

I hold Assange, the FBI and the US mainstream media responsible for this nightmare.