Thursday, 28 November 2019

Corrupt Corporate Dominated Media Convince too Many to Vote Against Their Interests

Much of modern western media should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Pure corporate shills and lying right-wing propagandists. I blame them for the success of the far-right and climate denialists both in mainstream parties and on the fringes. They are the main reason we have such a deep disparity in wealth and done so little concerning climate change. I hope those responsible will ultimately be brought to justice but I won't hold my breath,

Sadly too many voters suffer from confirmation bias and only seek media outlets and publications that feed that bias. How to break the hold of corporate media on the more simple and easily influenced of the majority of the general public is a real problematic question to answer. The main hope on the horizon is both the awakening youth to the very real terrors of a climatic troubled world and that conservative governments are only getting in by the skin of their teeth. Increasingly desperate they resort to gerrymandering, voter suppression and other forms of cheating. 

Sunday, 24 November 2019

There are still people who believe that the sun shon out of Abbott's Bottom

From a number of recent conversations held with various people I discovered to my dismay and horror Tony Abbot still has supporters. Funny enough these same supporters. Supported Trump in America.

One of the big problems we face in Australia. Too many live in a far right thought bubble. Unpierced by reality. With a kind cognitive dissonance that only seeks out assuring information to feed the lies. 
Enforced by Murdoch press propaganda. 

Anyone who even bothered to take even a casual look at Abbott. Soon realised he was seriously unfit for even been a member of parliament. (Lier Lier Pants on Fire and DR No) Let alone being the actual PM. As for only tacking economy flights, oh dear. How ignorant

Sunday, 17 November 2019

The Quite Australians Dilemma 1

The Quite Australians Dilemma 1 

Nearly five hundred homes were recently lost to bush fires in NSW Australia. Five prominent fire chiefs blamed climate change as did many scientists. Saying that man made climate change has created the conditions were fires are bigger, longer lasting and more frequent. Both the federal and state NSW Liberal Party governments tried to suppress talk about climate change and its links to a spat of fires all around Australia at the beginning of the fire season. The Liberal party has become a corporate shrill party for the fossil fuel industry. Especially for the coal industry. The propaganda machine of the Liberal party went into overdrive. Pinning the blame on the Green party and their policies. The problem with this claim is nowhere in Australia has the Green Party ever being in power in its own right. Furthermore is was both the federal and state Liberal parties that have cut funding in the millions to both the fire services and the fuel burns designed to slow down or prevent fires getting out of control and being too large. 

Unfortunately, helped by the sycophantic corporate media, many Australians believed the propaganda. Recently in response to school strikes for action on climate change and increasing public protests, most notably by extinction rebellion, Scott Morrison, Australia's prime minister, has identified a prominent group of Australians. He calls them "the Quite Australians". Another name for them is apathetic and disinterested in politics Australians. Who habitually turn a blind eye to the obvious wrongs of our conservative governments in Australia. 

Yet the big issues emerging is will the insurance industry continue to provide financial cover for houses in areas becoming more fire prone, storm prone, flood prone, etc, due to climate change. And what this means for the prices of homes and land in these areas. How much can people sell their homes? ?? Thank god for climate change deniers or those who don't follow the news (Scomos Quiet Australians ) because they will still buy in these areas.😀😀😁😄 Ain't they in for a big SURPRISE?

Scomo and Bigot Hanson it's not the greens. Blame the Banana's in Pajamas. They're innocent there for guilty. Plus there from the Commie ABC.