Saturday, 12 September 2020

Young Tory Tosser turns up to an extinction rebellion meeting and goes pro nuclear.

 Apparently some young tosser who turned up to an extinction rebellion meeting has now gone pro nuclear. This apparent important public news on the lines of Andrew Bolt stubbing his toe on the way from the toilet. (Hold the front page) gets its own story in the media.

The simple answer to nuclear, other than the obvious public safety issues, is its prohibitive cost, to build, to run, put in safety measures, and to safely store its waste, etc.
This idiot is probably a tory infiltrator and fake environmentalist. It is a culture war wet dream of the very silly right (who now dominate certain media outlets). The sort of determined ding bats and far right tossers who would argue against school crossings because they are a Marxist plot.

Even Maggie Thatcher stopped building nuclear power plants on the basis of the prohibitive costs.
So piss of Dilbert and go cry a river on ya rich daddy