Unvaccinated magically protected by the 80% mark or are they?
Simply put the 80% mark makes the ability of the virus to spread far less because less people will be catching it and spreading it. The unvaccinated get protected by default. The only problem is the Delta coved variant is still infectious to the vaccinated but by 80% less. Thus it remains to be seen if the unvaccinated will remain protected. The other issue is if the unvaccinated travel too areas in the world which have not yet achieved 80% vaccination. Then there is the problem of future corvid variant out breaks. Inevitably stubborn determined ignorance will catch up with them. I predict this will lead to a drop in conspiracy nutters, climate change deniers and stubborn conservatives in our voting populations through out the world. Though sad for their loved ones is a good thing for our species and others survival.
May be Crystal Power may work?
Or sucking in a Light Workers Fart such as Trumps (QAnon new age twaddle). Who magically can get away with one not paying his bills, such as for those who legally represent him, Gillanie or those who build for him, etc. Nor giving the millions donated to him by his stuck on base, to the very causes he claims to represent. The money magically goes to his bank account and they know but still give.