Tuesday 24 September 2024

Trump and the Republicans are pretending that Project /2o25 no longer exists

Trump and the Republicans are pretending that Project 2025 no longer exists. This is understandable given the Magas negative reaction to this Heritage Foundation and the Far Right Christian Nationalist policy document and guide for Trumps second term.


So called Face Book fact checkers are pulling any post about project 2025 and labeling it as disinformation or false. Despite it being made public and them suddenly pulled, 

There is only one problem. It is already being implemented.

Project 2o25 still exists and is being implemented by far right Republican Governors plus Trumps appointed High Court judges. The policy objectives of the Heritage Foundation and the far right Christian Nationalists under a second Trump term, ie Project 2025 is starting to creep in before the 2024 US Federal Election. Where states, with far right KKK Republican Governors, anti woman's rights legislation, book bans and nutty Christian interference in schools are already occurring. Secondly the Trump controlled supreme Court is already using the court system to water down the power of the EPA to monitor and stop industry polluting the water supply etc plus they have ruled the president is above the law if perusing official state duties. So Project 2o25 definitely still exists.

Project 2o25 will destroy America.

It is a policy agenda to centralize power to the executive arm of Government. To have the Military pledge allegiance to the President. To replace long term, qualified and experienced federal public servants with Heritage Foundation vetted Trump sycophants. Who will implement Trumps policies with out objection. These policies are designed to seriously water down EPA laws and over sight of industries. to water down both woman's and workers rights, etc. Trump is public about his plans to remove America's weather watch department, NOAA. To build concentration camps for so called illegal immigrants. He has also hinted at allowing the security and police services to use force to quell the protests.

This is a road map to a Totalitarian dystopian night mare. Where American freedom and democracy is replaced by a fascist Trump dictatorship. Along the same lines as the Russian Putin Regime. Trump has support from elements in the billionaire classes because of the anti worker proposals and planed cuts to the top marginal tax rate.

Lets hope Americans wake up in time. It seems giving the pro democrat polls this is beginning to be the case. Unfortunately the mainstream media both ignore project 2025 plans and Trumps obvious increasing dementia

Climatic Disasters On The Rise

This is a consequence of increasing global warming. God gave us climate scientists but we listened to the comfortable lies of the fossil fuel shills. Another sad point is on the original page of this post at an environmental group, HAARP. The comments section has being flooded out by happy come to jebus freaks. So going to church is more important than dealing with carbon pollution. Hence my God reference.

My fear this will be a new tactic of the fossil fuel lobby to blame the disasters due to global warming on people sinning. Rather than what the climate scientists are telling us. That global warming is being driven by man made green house gasses. Primary carbon pollution from the use of fossil fuels.