Sunday, 28 July 2013

The Homosexual Agenda

On ya Garret

Here was my reply

Many right wing nutters deserve there version of heaven A place free of coloreds, gays an any one with an IQ over ten. Where Brian Adams music and Justin Beiber hits are played over and over again. Where they can sing praise for Jesus for ever. Will the rest of us get to enjoy funk and Motown, fuck and enjoy our selves for the rest of time in that other place.

It seems Bishop Desmond Tutu would agree with me. 

desmond tutu hell

From an Article in the Huffington Post

He (Tutu) leaves no doubt about his opinions regarding LGTB rights (Lesbian, Gay and Transgender Rights) declaring: 
I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.
He added: 
I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.
South Africa's iconic archbishop is clearly still fighting for equality despite his retirement, as he went on to relate the gay rights issue to his country's tumultuous history, saying:
I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid. For me, it is at the same level.
One Last Note

Photo: Some humor, found on the Being Liberal fan page.

Posted on Addicting Info

Fuck You Garret and all who think like you.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

It's not Climate Change its the Rapture

They won't get it. 

They never will. 

To many live in denial of the obvious. If you try and wake them. Your dismissed as a commie greenie cunt. Who is out to destroy good old free enterprise. Try arguing with a climate change skeptic. No evidence is enough. It never will be. Even when the water is above their heads. They will just scream even louder for the far right fascist Jesus. Blaming the extreme weather events on the legalisation of homosexuality and pot. Arguing add infintium. You may notice they always make sure they have the last say and dominate any online discussions about climate change. 

We who are already awoken to the inevitable, need to come up with strategies that circumnavigate these morons. Yes if you still have the energy to debate the pro oil lobby climate denialst fools do so but also consider what also needs to be done. Is the electoral path the only path? Can enough people get together and build survivalist colonies. To prepare for the possibility we will not change in time the juggernaut of capitalist greed and short sightedness. Nor awaken enough of the happily apathetic and comfortably uninterested masses from their favorite slumber in denial wonderland. As for the actively denialist camp, give up.

For as the climate disasters worsen I predict people will bury their heads even further into the sand and will be even more hostile to the environmentalist message. Choosing a Fascist Jesus controlled state, as the oil and coal lobby team up with the dominionist movement friends (check my article on dominionism) to perpetuate even further their lies, power and money making. Fear is a powerful tool and when things go wrong people tend to become more religious and hateful. Thus more open to fascism.

Sure there will be those who will awaken as a consequence of both christian fascism and climate change. Finally joining the dots and realise what the real conspiracy was. Not that climate scientist's were working on mass to get government funding and set up a world wide, United Nations, controlled government but greedy bustereds inc are being greedy bastards. An have being funding a misinformation campaign to keep people asleep. Plus christian nerds are christian, bible bashing. right wing tea party, woman hating, power hungry nerds and they are playing for keeps. Fifth century please bring it on. Witch and heretic  (ie hippy and greenie) burning, extreme misery and poverty for the masses and power for the rich few. 

What I predict is not enough will awaken and many of these will keep pretending to be asleep out of fear of persecution.  Or not being invited to Margeries and Dons tea party. Social ostrisisation is enough to keep some with their conformist nodding grin. 

So what to do? Start by being open to the idea that as much as the political struggle to reform society in time to bring in the needed changes is important, we need a plan B. We simply have no choice and I'm not prepared to hand over the future of our world, its wonderful wildlife and our children s future to greedy bastards inc and their christian freak brothers. Nor to the Margerie and Don types either. 

I'll give another hint. New Zealand looks real good and so do the Norse countries, Norway, Denmark, etc. The right number of aware people and a political class who are not fucken stupid. We can join and rebuild and heal the earth from there or at lease create sanctuaries for nature and ourselves and for future generations to be able to rebuild. How about we organise a progressive survivalist conference and do check out the costs to moving to these countries. Don't be caught when its too late in happy Jesus crappie clappie land still dominated by the happily asleep. Cos when it is beyond oviouse the rich will make it to expensive for you and your family to move to Norway or New Zealand. Plus there will be enough like minded people to make sure that the secret hand shake club do not control these countries. We EVEN MAY BE ABLE TO BRING THE RICH BASTERDS TO JUSTICE and be rid of their corrupting influence for ever. Now wouldn't that be a great legacy to leave our children. 

Eastern States Earth Fuckers

If you want a real guide to what a future Abbott federal government will look like. Feast your eyes on the festering shit, that the eastern states liberal party controlled state governments are. Earth fuckers extraordinaire. In Queensland, in the top end, over two million hectares of old growth and recovering wilderness have been opened up to logging, mining and grazing interests. Farmers have been given the go ahead to graze their cattle in Five national parks. Newman (premier of QLD) even made a promise before the state election not to do this kind of shit but he did. He even promised not to cut the public service now look what happened there. Will he, like Gillard who too went back on a promise and suffer electorally. To the point she lost her job to Rudd. I'm holding my breath. Victoria has effectively closed down the wind turbine industry with its questionable ban on any wind turbines needing to be at least two kilometers from any residence. There is even a policy in the right wing public policy (Both Abbott's, Gina's and Rupert's favorite think tank) institute to develop the Franklin dam.

Yet the cruncher of all is the proposal by the Queensland, Victorian and the New South Wales state governments, to opening up national parks to mining, housing and farming, logging and shooting an four wheel drive bashing. Fracking and so many other earth destroying proposals.

We all know the liberals have nearly always sided with industry against the greenies but these proposals take earth fucking to a brand new level. An the only ones standing in their way are the so called worse government ever, Federal Labor. Never before has a choice being so clear. Regardless of what you think of the carbon tax or Rudds ETS ( Both imperfect but a start in my books). Even if Abbott is not going to be as radical as those of us on the left fear. He is not going to stand in the way of these crazy right wing maverick state governments. Firstly because he belongs to the same party as them but mainly because they will get the blame and the fall out electorally due to the utter craziness of the proposals. I hope.

Clearly only a Federal Labor government will at least garentee that theses brain dead policies don't see the light of day. Already, due too these crazy state government proposals, Federal Labor is extending the power of the commonwealth to stop them.Yes I am a die in the wool greens/labor supporter. An my views have bias but fuck never before has the choice being so clear. If you hate the planet and don't give a fuck about nature and our kids future. Vote Abbott if not vote for labor and if you really want to be sure vote green fist then labor

I actually at this point feel sorry for Abbott. He so wants it. His precious. To be the Prime Minister of Australia.  Look at how many push ups he can do and wow he can ride a bike and swim. Have a chat to independent Tony Winser about his passion for the PM's Job. Something about being willing to sale his grandmother or something. You know till this point I had been resigning my self to the inevitable. Thinking that in at least the first term his government will not be that bad. Probably to the right of labor but not goose stepping right. We hope. The problem is probably not going to be Abbott but all those loose cannons behind him. Remember the Victorian proposal to privatise the ABC and SBS. Well they are the ones who floated the idea publicly not my side of politics.

Those  Eastern states brain dead's. Make even Collin Barnett, WA's Premier, look reasonable. Yes he fought tooth and nail for James Price Point gas hub and Roe 8 is an environmental disaster in the making but fuck even he is not so brazen and earth fucking mad to propose opening up national parks to mining, housing and farming, logging and shooting an four wheel drive bashing. Fracking and so many other earth destroying proposals. (Yes Fracking is going to be allowed but as far as I am aware not in national parks) What is the point of those parks but to keep certain crucial places free of such destructive activity.

Talk about turning back the clock. This isn't going back to the 50's this goes back to the early colonies time. Before we even federated and formed a nation. I'm talking pre 1890's. They are doing this probably to appease the deeply redneck shooters and fisher's party voters and the goose stepping one nation freaks. Sad isn't it the state of our current politics.

I  know now I need to stop Abbott and so do you. Please share this article to your friends. We have got to use what little power we have in the vote to put an end to this madness.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Australian Election Question

We are so close to our national election. Here are a few questions you should ask. 

Why hasn't Abbott released any real policies, other than turn back the boats and end the carbon tax, and why isn't the media picking up on this fact? 

Plus why is the Labor government seen by the rest of the world as being one of the most successful economically, with an AAA rating and so many of the Australian voting public see it as the, along with the right wing radio shock jocks, as the worse government ever? 

At a time when the rest of the world is truly suffering, we enjoy almost full employment. This is a sad state of affairs for Australian Democracy in this point of history. 

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