Extreme Ann Randism. The Liberals are not a conservative party they are increasingly becoming radical right libertarians. More at home with the likes of the American Koch brothers and Ron Paul. Essentially remove all social support, minimum wage laws, work place safety and other social and environmental laws that stand in the way of unfettered capitalist greed and privatise everything. What saddens me most are all the my dear leader phicophanitc rusted on Liberal supporters who refuse to see what is happening. And bye the bullshit, ie aussies work for one month over time to support social security. A BIG FAT LIE.

If you want the source for this read.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/.../story-fnmbxr2t...

If you want the source for this read.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/.../story-fnmbxr2t...
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