The Comfortably Dumb don't want to be woken. Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepard fame put up a post about the worlds first factor six storm, with winds way above 200 km an hour, with waves more than fifty feet high, heading to wards Fukushima Japan. You know the place with the worlds latest nuclear disaster. I read through the entire 250 comments. Other than my self and Captain Paul no mention of man made climate change was made. A lot commented about the evils of HARP. Many appealed for us to pray to God. Many others had some kind of weird new age dribble about the grand mother punishing Japan for the whale slaughter. The stupids dominate and they are driving us to extinction.
Good news about this storm it has lost a lot of its original fury and has being down graded but it is a warning. The point I'm making is too many people seem unable to face the truth of climate change and would rather believe anything but it is man made.
The majority of people, according to the polls, apparently do believe in man made climate change but will not vote as they apparently believe and will not change their relationship with the earth to reflect that belief. The mundane normalcy of conformity to our dead end system, still prevails. Due to dual powers of listening to the ramblings of the propaganda of our corporate media climate denialism and mindless popularism of commitment to the do nothing status quo. This is in spite the scientific and the earths many warnings such as the Typhoon above. The worlds first known factor six storm. Then when they do finally act. It will be to no avail and all too late. Then when the average person wakes up from their lulled into comfortable sleep. Mass panic could set in. There will be violence and the real troubles will start. Prepare my friends do not be caught sleeping when the inevitable it's all going to shit, hits.
Below is a link to a face book page dedicated for preparing for our collective future. Prepping for Exile.