Saturday 11 October 2014

The Coming Domionist Threat

The Republican party is largely dominated by its tea tards and hard right Christians of the
Dominionist variety, especially in the southern states. Dominionist especially wish to set up a theocratic state in the US and then using US military might, the rest of the world. Quite a growing number of Americans know this but the majority are still under the thrall of mainstream media. Which has largely ignored this threat.

Combine southern voter suppression laws, with comfortable ignorance and voter fatigue with the two term Democrats and the mid term elections in the USA are looking to go the republican way but the deeply scary thing is this voting could be a precursor to the election to who sits in the white house as president in 2016. 

This is especially possible because market analyzers are predicting yet another world wide market correction similar to the 2008 GFC before the end of Obama's term. Even with a well co-ordinated campaign against them. The reality of an extreme right Dominionist republican government coming to power in the USA, is even more assured. You can kiss the US doing anything about climate change good bye and world war three is a definite. You can also kiss woman's rights, protection of the environment, minority rights and workers rights goodbye. The Feudal reality of the dark ages will be upon us again.

Connect to the below link 

Huckabee wants to fire atheists working for the government

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