Saturday, 17 June 2023

Is there a God or Not?

I've this for years. Spent time as a Catholic and some time in the new age movement. I've explored Sufism, Buddhism and have been a practicing Wiccan for years. Currently I've been flirting with Atheism.

Officially I can see why Atheists are correct. The peer reviewed current science is on your side. There is no denying that. Yet at the micro level something weird is happening with the quarks which are the components of electrons, protons and neutrons of matter. Appearing to disappear and then a micro moment latter to reappear. Science will probably come up with an explanation for that. 

There is another word for God, Nature. I truly do not believe in an actual God but reality can sure be weird. I've have had to much experience with that weirdness to dismiss the notion something beyond the ordinary is going on. Whether or not we have a life after physical death. Probably not but I can't dismiss the possibility.

Thursday, 1 June 2023

 Karma is a Bitch

The meme I commented on.

This is quite a common response for our current anti science, so called awakened, conspiracy times. Especially if it is a official report on climate change. 

"There is a silver lining to this problem. The guy on the internet is the kind of idiot who builds on low level areas of the coast and flood plains and votes in politicians who deny climate change. They refuse to get them selves vaccinated, during pandemics, because they buy into the conspiracy narrative. They donate their savings to rich Grifters who invoke the name of Jesus and they habitually vote in the vary politicians who will least represent their true interests. Sit back and have a good laugh and let reality deal with them." (My Comment)

The sad part is we are looking likely to also experience difficulties in our own reality due to the determined stubborn, easily influenced by right wing media, types amongst us. The non take up of vaccinations allows covid to remain longer in circulation. Political right wing grifters love using Jesus to get the churchy mugs or wolf whistling to bigots to get these useful idiots to vote for them. Or creating a false narrative around wokanism. Trump and arch conservative politicians world wide are a prime example. Furthermore these useful idiots voting habits create road blocks for nations world wide in dealing with climate change. 

The good news is there has being movement world wide towards renewables, up take of electric vehicles, banning of logging, governments phasing out fossil fuel cars etc but not at this stage fast enough to keep the world from rising above the 1.5 degree celsius thresh hold. Above this temperature climate scientists are worried that various natural feedback loops will kick in. An example of this is in the melting permafrost near the Earths poler icecaps. Due to global warming. Resulting in the releasing millions of tons of methane (another green house gas) into earths atmosphere. Warming the planet even more.

There for we hope we can over come the effect of inertia to needed change or we make plans and act on them to prepare for the worse case scenario. I personally believe that we will sort of get there but are going to have a very ruff century or so ahead of us. Sorry kids us activist types did our best. As for covid. Natural selection will have it's day. Hence karma is a bitch. Yet sadly the churchy types will buy into the religiose grifters bull around Armageddon and God is punishing us because we legalised homosexuality, etc. This is how they will continue to deny climate change. Even as their homes are destroyed. Yet many people on the sidelines of this debate will more likely join in with the climate scientists and activists. Finally voting in politicians willing to take on the fossil fuel industry. 

On a positive note there are fossil fuel companies and others, such as AGL, FMG, etc, who are seeing the writing on the wall and moving their businesses towards renewables and closing down their coal fire power stations. Further more governments and companies are moving forward with carbon sequestration projects. to help make up for lost time and decarbonise the Earths atmosphere.

Monty Pythons Eric the Viking has a great clip about these deniers

Karma is a Bitch