Saturday 17 June 2023

Is there a God or Not?

I've this for years. Spent time as a Catholic and some time in the new age movement. I've explored Sufism, Buddhism and have been a practicing Wiccan for years. Currently I've been flirting with Atheism.

Officially I can see why Atheists are correct. The peer reviewed current science is on your side. There is no denying that. Yet at the micro level something weird is happening with the quarks which are the components of electrons, protons and neutrons of matter. Appearing to disappear and then a micro moment latter to reappear. Science will probably come up with an explanation for that. 

There is another word for God, Nature. I truly do not believe in an actual God but reality can sure be weird. I've have had to much experience with that weirdness to dismiss the notion something beyond the ordinary is going on. Whether or not we have a life after physical death. Probably not but I can't dismiss the possibility.

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