Monday 17 July 2023

How Would the Maga's reacted if a Democrat President had done what Trump did?

How Would the Maga's reacted if a Democrat President had done what Trump did?

It saddens me if a Democrat had done what Trump had done. Either refusing to recognise he lost the election legitimately or removed highly secretive and important US military documents such as the nuclear codes and Americas and allies strategic defense plans. An then put these documents in his bathroom next to a photo copier. The howls of there must be blood from the Magas would be heard all over the world. Then there is his business interests in Russia in the billions and his shady relationship with Putin. Yet they are still lining up to support him above all other Republican candidates for the 2024 election.

The good news is he hasn't a chance in hell of winning. Rupert has already washed his hands of him and well dear Putin and his Russia Now news plus his pro Trump on line trolls will largely be gone. Independents, Republican moderates and Democrats will, in fear of the horror of another Trump presidency and his open plans for mass public executions will destroy the Republicans hope for 2024 and possibly 2028 as well. Then there are the mad as QAnon Jebus Freak nutters claiming even moderate right policies are a Marxist communist plots. Who are all over the Republican party at both Federal and state level. Enacting book bans and removing a woman's right to choose if she will go through with the pregnancy.

The Trump appointed supreme court judges now upholding a business right now to not serve a gay or transgendered person on religious grounds. Well quite frankly the Republicans southern strategy has blown right up in their faces and quite bluntly the Republicans who are now dominated by the Christian far right, Magas and QAnon people who believe the world is run by alien lizards wherein human masks and Hillary is one of them( Oh dear) Are unelectable. This will be a hard sell even for Rupert.
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