The silver lining on this dark ominous cloud. Is the insurance industry is being forced to raise their insurance premiums due to the increasing climate disasters world wide. The positive is people can't argue against a larger bill or repeat fossil fuel shrill talking points in a aim to avoid paying that bill. Nor use the latest conspiracy theories such as Jewish/ rich people using space lasers to create global warming. When you have to pay more for inaction on climate change mitigation.
The Governments have no problem subsidizing disaster. Just one more bill for the working class. Yet how long can this last? At some point the insurance industry collapses and Governments world wide can't rebuild due to lack of finances. Private industry is going to have the same problem.
What is starting to happen are Insurance companies just pay out once and then declare flooded or burnt areas uninsurable. So people who paid premiums all their lives have one pay out and can find it very difficult sell their property or get insurance ever again. This destroys the value of their homes and businesses. Which matters if you can't stay living there or make an income from destroyed land or infrastructure. Also who can reopen a coffee shop when the town is burnt down or grow this years food on toxic mud? The house always wins on the money stuff.
The other good news is there has being movement both in reforesting, etc and good carbon sequestration projects either on line or coming on line. Yet too many voters are still locked into the fossil shrill corporate lies and ignoring the warning of real scientists. Yet this will reduce as climatic linked disasters become more frequent.
This has resulted in the Koch brothers funded Heritage Foundations plans under a second Trump term to put severe blocks in the way for democracy. The good news is that it appears Trumps legal woes will ultimately block him. Yet if he does make it to the 2024 November US Federal Election. He faces some serious obstacles in the woman's vote and the non white vote, to name a few. Another way of putting it is, if Trump actually wins, the world may be forced to side step America.
Can we act collectively in time to turn this man made climatic disaster around? Regardless of recalcitrant countries. This remains to be seen. Yet we will have no choice but to succeed.
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