Saturday 15 October 2011


Mr Pinco Nico

Am I revolutionary or just a simple average nut.

Probably Both

I'm in my mid years and I wanna have fun.

You know in the infinite or near infinite age of the universe this collection of near empty atoms realises life is passing him bye. His dreams largely unfulfilled. Though since the tender young age of 37 this nit has stopped buying the Cole's New world Goldman Sach's crap version of this dickhead planet. An has made efforts to reach for the sky. Now a little more history. From 17 to 27 I tried to liberate the world, save the planet but got back stabbed by my comrades for my effort. fuck em.Then came the spiritual years after completing a degree in something (Not important). Oh how I searched for God and just uncovered madness. Melancholic socio dissident disorder crap left over from my young years. A result of a nice but weak mum and a dad who a had a temper management problem. Though the poor bugger made up for it in helping me out financially in latter years. No more loans from the folks time to grow up.

So what now. Well you can only try.

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