Dominionism Watch
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From the king James version of the bible
And God blessed [
Adam and Eve ] and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." —
Genesis 1:28 (
This simple innocent line out of the bible has being interpreted by extream right wing Christian movement to mean God has given right wing evangelical christians the right to set up a theocratic government. Firstly in the US. Then in the rest of the world. To the exclusion of modern secular science, civil democracy, other religions, gonistic, atheists and any one they deem non-christian. This will probably include catholics, liberal christians in general and many others.
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This movement is commonly known as Dominionism or Christian Reconstructionism. See below the Wikipedia definition.
"Dominion Theology is a grouping of theological systems
with the common belief that the law of God, as codified in the Bible,
should exclusively govern society, to the exclusion of secular law, a
view also known as
The most prominent modern formulation of Dominion Theology is
Christian Reconstructionism, founded by
R. J. Rushdoony in the 1970s. Reconstructionists themselves use the word
dominionism to refer to their belief that Christians alone should control civil government, conducting it according to Biblical law."
I would have dismissed them as some nutter fringe group of no consequence and had a bit of a larph at their nuttery. An left it at that.But and a big But. I have been seeing signs of them in US politics.
Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry
Rick Perry and Michele Buchmann have links to this group. In fact Michele Buchmann campaign manager (W) is a dominionist. Then there is Rick Sanatorium. Ok he's a catholic but didn't he say he vomited over the Kennedy speech for the separation of church and state. Called for the ending of abortion, contraception and public education. Due to public education being secular and not teaching the kids about Jesus. Accused the left of being essentially evil. (provide link to optus prime). (Foto Search- free images)

Then there is the scary fact that evangelical christians have on mass being joining the republican party and trying to tack it over for the last twenty years.
According to Clarkson (2005)the following characteristics shared by all forms of dominionism:
"1. Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe
that the United States once was, and should once again be, a Christian
nation. In this way, they deny the
Enlightenment roots of American democracy.
2. Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally
do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions
of Christianity.
3. Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, insofar as they believe that
the Ten Commandments, or "biblical law," should be the foundation of
American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle
for implementing Biblical principles.
For those that follow US politics haven,t you heard the happy clappy bregaid mention the above? Many times. Read the below article.
"A general outline of what the reconstructed 'Kingdom,'
or confederation of Biblical theocracies, would look like emerges from
the large body of Reconstructionist literature. This society would
feature a minimal national government, whose main function would be
defense by the armed forces. No social services would be provided
outside the church, which would be responsible for 'health, education,
and welfare.' A radically unfettered capitalism (except in so far as it
clashed with Biblical Law) would prevail. Society would return to the
gold or silver standard or abolish paper money altogether. ("Ron Paul Ron Paul Oh No Ron Paul", me) The public
schools would be abolished. ("Rick Sanatorium", me) Government functions, including taxes, would
be primarily at the county level.
Women would be relegated primarily to the home and home
schools, and would be banned from government. Those qualified to vote
or hold office would be limited to males from Biblically correct
churches." From Theocratic Watch web site. (image from Foto Search-free images)
Talk about a return to the dark ages. Witch burnings, the inquisition and so on. Got to give it to the happy clappies. The rest of us wont be clapping when their version of Jesuses Kingdom comes to earth.
Another factor about dominionism is they don't just plan to take over the government. But place them selves in charge of the education systems, universities, media, entertainment, all the main pillars of power.
It's not just happening in America. In Australia if a young person wants to join the NSW liberal party youth wing. They have to be a practicing christian from an approved church. Hummm sound familiar. Any where there is a strong presence of charismatic, evangelical and pentecostal chrisitans, evidence of this movement can be found. For example in Uganda this movement convinced the Ugandan government to out law homosexuality.
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You can see their insidious influence already in the media and entertainment industry. A group of christians , as reported of course by Fox Media, released a highly suspect study. Which claimed that christian family orientated movies made more money than secular ones. (fl) My bull shit meter is going off big time.
You can see it in that horrible twerp Justin Bieber pledge he will remain a virgin until he is married.
I could go on. We need to watch this. For more links check out
Theocratic Watch. Google them.
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Here is a story I heard some time. I can't remember its author so forgive me. Plus I've changed it a little but who cares. Have a read and get its point Christian.
The Sad Little Devil (my title)
Satan had assigned one of his minions to three humans. The little demon took on his assignment with glee. The first human fell to the sin of gluttony and the other to a porn fueled lust quest but the third ignored his whisperings of temptation and became a christian. The little demon was flummoxed. Fuck Fuck Fuck a christian. He went back to hell to report to the prince of darkness. Regarding the first two Satan nodded his head in approval but as the little demon reported about the third one. Satan growled and then gleefully larphed. HA Fucken HA.
The little demon trembled and feared the worse. Getting on his knees and with tears in his eyes he cried "Oh master forgive me". "For what", Satan exclaimed and picked the little demon up and looked straight into his eye. Then said "You have got him more than the others. Let me explain. Appeal to his pride and vanity. Tell him he is better than all the others and that the kingdom of God is only for his kind."
The little demon understood and so was born the dominionist movement.
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The Coming King Indeed
Ha Fucken Ha