Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Australian Multiculteralism

I'm going to state the obvious. People who are against multiculturalism seem unable to realise how ridiculous their position is.

Multiculturalism is not a policy. It is a fact. In any given society no matter how homogeneous. Such as all the same race and religion. Have natural sub groups. These can be based on age, gender, political affiliation, sporting interest, country verses city, and so on.

Regardless of your views on this matter. A healthy society is one that can manage its differences harmoniously. That is with out discrimination and violence.

Anti- multiculturalists seem more concerned about differences about race and religion. Therefore they are not anti-multiculturalist. They are bigots. I have seen many postings on you tube from Australian groups apposed to either Muslims or other ethnic minorities.

Stop and think what it is your asking for. If you are asking for the ending of ethnic and religious difference in our society. What would be the needed actions to ensure this? Plus what would be the consequences?

If we remove people from our society who we deem do not belong. Are you prepared for the injustice of splitting apart families. Removing people because they are not white and christian and shifting them over seas or even worse. Confiscating their homes and businesses. Destroying lives simply because you can not tolerate religious and racial difference. Or simply reintroducing the white Australia policy.

Are you prepared for the consequence to our trade. Both India and China are crucial for the export of both raw resources such as iron and farming produce. How long would you think our economy survive if we purely traded with white only countries. Then there will be wide spread condemnation from the rest of the world. Sanctions, boycotts of our goods and mass unemployment of many ordinary Australians.

As I said in the begging Multiculturalism is not a policy it is a reality. That our government needs to manage properly.

Get real Australia. The horse has bolted. We are a multicultural country. It has being a fact since 1788.

If you don't like that, Leave.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Clive Palmer What a Cartoon

Clive Palmer What a Cartoon 

 (Photo Herald Sun )

Xtranormal Movie Maker

Here's the Link: http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87uEfdScPjQ

Check out my other you tube video's mrpinconico

Below are captions of a cartoon I produced on you tube.

Robot One: How's this for a beauty. Did you hear Clive Palmer believes the CIA are behind the Greens

Robot Two: Who's Clive Palmer?

Robot One: He one of Australia's top mining magnets. Who made millions out of mining coal in Queensland. He is apparently one of Tony Abbots main political advisers.

Robot Two: What the? You have got to be kidding. How can this man be in charge of such  large section of the mining industry. Plus be the opposition leaders main adviser?

Robot One: Well you have to wonder don't you?

Robot Two: Is he having a nervous break down or something? Next he will be explaining the Rockefeller foundation is behind the greens as well.

Robot One: He did. Apparently the Rockefeller foundation funds the CIA to fund the greens. There is this grand conspiracy by the United States to undermine the Australian economy via the greens.

Robot Two: In other word poor old Clive is upset that environmental controls are in place. Which put some kind of reasonable limit to his get rich ambitions.

Robot One: It appears he recently got blocked expanding a mine into one of Queensland's national parks.

Robot Two Ha Ha Ha you've got his little problem. And I wonder if this has something to do with the upcoming Queensland state election. 'Where the greens are running candidates.

Robot One: Yep the old scare tactic at its worse.
Robot Two: At it's worse? Try most stupid. Who does he think will take him seriously. Traditional green voters or loony conspiracy believers. You know the sort who believe the queen is a reptiod alien. Or Harld Holt was murdered by the CIA. Or that Obama is a Muslim with a false birth certificate.

Robot One: Or pussy cats spy on us for the little grays and report back to them via amathest crystals. Or that Bob Hawk, when he was prime minister, spent all his time at mass orgies.

Robot Two: Lucky bastard. Next Clive will explaining that Galileo got it wrong and the church got it right in believing the earth is flat. Put a sock in it Palmer. Before you get even more embarrassing.

Robot One: Who do you think will believe in this rubbish?
Robot Two: I don't think green voters will. May be one nation voters but I'm being rude. Yet I bet he will attract the usual loony tune crowd. Simply because they are so unhinged they want to believe in this stuff. Good luck Palmer.

Robot One: Good luck indeed.

Robot Two: One of Tony Abbot main political advisers. Ha Ha what a riot. Be prepared Australia for Tony Abbots captain underpants special. Bob Brown should sent to jail for being a traitor. Bob Hawk forced in sex rehab and all your pussy cats rounded up for spreading the lie. That the world is round.

Robot One: HA Ha Ha ho ho

Robot Two: Heie hei. Ha who ha. What a riot. On ya Palmer.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Dominionism Watch Introduction

Dominionism Watch

                                                       (Foto Search- free images)

From the king James version of the bible

And God blessed [ Adam and Eve ] and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." —Genesis 1:28 (KJV)

This simple innocent line out of the bible has being interpreted by extream right wing Christian movement to mean God has given right wing evangelical christians the right to set up a theocratic government. Firstly in the US. Then in the rest of the world. To the exclusion of modern secular science, civil democracy, other religions, gonistic, atheists and any one they deem non-christian. This will probably include catholics, liberal christians in general and many others.
(Foto Search- free images)
This movement is commonly known as Dominionism or Christian Reconstructionism. See below the Wikipedia definition.

"Dominion Theology is a grouping of theological systems[3] with the common belief that the law of God, as codified in the Bible, should exclusively govern society, to the exclusion of secular law, a view also known as theonomy.
The most prominent modern formulation of Dominion Theology is Christian Reconstructionism, founded by R. J. Rushdoony in the 1970s. Reconstructionists themselves use the word dominionism to refer to their belief that Christians alone should control civil government, conducting it according to Biblical law." (Wikipedia)

I would have dismissed them as some nutter fringe group of no consequence and had a bit of a larph at their nuttery. An left it at that.But and a big But. I have been seeing signs of them in US politics.

Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry

Rick Perry and Michele Buchmann have links to this group. In fact Michele Buchmann campaign manager (W) is a dominionist. Then there is Rick Sanatorium. Ok he's a catholic but didn't he say he vomited over the Kennedy speech for the separation of church and state. Called for the ending of abortion, contraception and public education. Due to public education being secular and not teaching the kids about Jesus. Accused the left of being essentially evil. (provide link to optus prime).                               (Foto Search- free images)

Then there is the scary fact that evangelical christians have on mass being joining the republican party and trying to tack it over for the last twenty years.

According to Clarkson (2005)the following characteristics shared by all forms of dominionism:

"1. Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe that the United States once was, and should once again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy.

2. Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity.

3. Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, insofar as they believe that the Ten Commandments, or "biblical law," should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principles.(Wickiepedia)"

For those that follow  US politics haven,t you heard the happy clappy bregaid mention the above? Many times. Read the below article.

What is Christian Reconstructionism? by Frederick Clark

"A general outline of what the reconstructed 'Kingdom,' or confederation of Biblical theocracies, would look like emerges from the large body of Reconstructionist literature. This society would feature a minimal national government, whose main function would be defense by the armed forces. No social services would be provided outside the church, which would be responsible for 'health, education, and welfare.' A radically unfettered capitalism (except in so far as it clashed with Biblical Law) would prevail. Society would return to the gold or silver standard or abolish paper money altogether. ("Ron Paul Ron Paul Oh No Ron Paul", me) The public schools would be abolished. ("Rick Sanatorium", me) Government functions, including taxes, would be primarily at the county level.
Women would be relegated primarily to the home and home schools, and would be banned from government. Those qualified to vote or hold office would be limited to males from Biblically correct churches." From Theocratic Watch web site. (image from Foto Search-free images)
Talk about a return to the dark ages. Witch burnings, the inquisition and so on. Got to give it to the happy clappies. The rest of us wont be clapping when their version of Jesuses Kingdom comes to earth. 

Another factor about dominionism is they don't just plan to take over the government. But place them selves in charge of the education systems, universities, media, entertainment, all the main pillars of power.

It's not just happening in America. In Australia if a young person wants to join the NSW liberal party youth wing. They have to be a practicing christian from an approved church. Hummm sound familiar. Any where there is a strong presence of charismatic, evangelical and pentecostal chrisitans, evidence of this movement can be found. For example in Uganda this movement convinced the Ugandan government to out law homosexuality.
 (Foto Search- free images)You can see their insidious influence already in the media and entertainment industry. A group of christians , as reported of course by Fox Media, released a highly suspect study. Which claimed that christian family orientated movies made more money than secular ones. (fl) My bull shit meter is going off big time.

You can see it in that horrible twerp Justin Bieber pledge he will remain a virgin until he is married.

I could go on. We need to watch this. For more links check out Theocratic Watch. Google them.

                                                 (Share Faith: Free Christian Images)

Here is a story I heard some time. I can't remember its author so forgive me. Plus I've changed it a little but who cares. Have a read and get its point Christian.

The Sad Little Devil (my title)

Satan had assigned one of his minions  to three humans. The little demon took on his assignment with glee. The first human fell to the sin of gluttony and the other to a porn fueled lust quest but the third ignored his whisperings of temptation and became a christian.  The little demon was flummoxed. Fuck Fuck Fuck a christian. He went back to hell to report to the prince of darkness. Regarding the first two Satan nodded his head in approval but as the little demon reported about the third one. Satan growled and then gleefully larphed. HA Fucken HA.  

The little demon trembled and feared the worse. Getting on his knees and with tears in his eyes he cried "Oh master forgive me". "For what", Satan exclaimed and picked the little demon up and looked straight into his eye. Then said "You have got him more than the others. Let me explain. Appeal to his pride and vanity. Tell him he is better than all the others and that the kingdom of God is only for his kind."

The little demon understood and so was born the dominionist  movement. 
                                                             (Foto Search- free images)
                                 The Coming King Indeed

                                        Ha Fucken Ha

Monday, 6 February 2012

The Death of the Mighty USA

The Death of the Mighty USA

Destroy a middle class- destroy your country.

Absurd as it sounds the far right capitalist forces (as apposed to moderate capitalist forces) have the upper hand in America. They have convinced a sisable portion of the population that in the name of anti socialism and pro freedom (as if socilised programs such as public roads are anti freedom) to reduced to nothing, the safety net. Tax the top 1% to the point they pay far less taxes per dollar than the middle classes and increase the tax burden on the again the middle classes.

The occupy movement is dismissed as rapists, commies scum, etc. The very needed solutions to turn it all around are dismissed out of hand and the deficit increases astronomically. Last count 14 trillion and growing.

Laws, such as the national defense authorisatioin bills, in which a few subclauses have removed all the normal freedoms of a modern democracy such as the right to a free trial , etc. Built the FEMA camps. Signed by President Obarma on new years eave. I could go on.

The result is an increasingly unemployed, over priced , underpayed and over taxed middle class. That is collapsing into the have not bracket of the once comfortable working class. Which has largly being destroyed.

Now you would think a significant number of people would be waking up. Yes more pople see the wood for the trees and have stopped bying into the Fox CNN wonderland propaganda shit but too many more are digging in and bying it even more.

The result a down sized protest movement unable to rally the masses, dismissed as anti freedom commie cunts and finally easilly rounded up under some terrorist act and placed in FEMA camps.

Consequently the base for America's existence is crumbling. The solutions prevented from happening. Such as bring back the tax levels of the top 1% as under Ronald Regan. This will go a long way to deal with deficit. Maybe also rich welfare could be ended such as subsidizing the oil industry. I can really see the republicans going for that one. Unfortunately and in reality,  I can see, regardless of either democrat or republican control, the roads system privatised, public education removed, etc. Contry to the claims of right wing  libertarians. Handing the solution of the US to the top 1%. Will not lead to the USA getting out of the quagmire. It will lead to it's utter destruction. (ps Don't try arguing with them. They just don't get it).

The 1% are in fact already setting up contingency plans in other countris such as Australia and New Zealand. Like rats desertinga sinking ship. For example Heliburton has set up its head quarters in Perth Western Australia.

With it's infulstructure collapsed, including many bridges, no money to fix it, a mountin of debit it can't pay back. The once grand old USA will be a shell of its self. Canada would have built a fence and Mexico will finish off the fence on its boarder with the USA.

Another thing, the US government, along with private interests, engaged in a lot of dirty wars in Latin America and the rest of the world, over the last 60 or so years. The America of the mid to late 21 Century is going to be very vulnerable to the same tricks, ie dirty wars, that played against others. Oh Talk about the sins of the fathers being visited on the children. The poor American people they will be left to face the consequences of the 1% activities after the last 60 years.


Mean will the super rich will being fucking up the countries they moved to in the same own the pollies crap they did to the USA.

Two counter forces to this scenario being the future.

One:  Increasing numbers of police and military personel both current and former are waking up to the real problems. There is a growing movement of Oath Tackers. Prommising to defend the American people from any out side or inside threat. As pushed in the American Constitution.

Two: Various underground groups are forming. Collecting arms and preparing. At some point the Occupy Movement, the Tea Party Movement and the Survivalist Movement will realise they have more in common than not. As Fascism becomes more apparent, alliances will be formed.

Three: A distinct possiblity that more liberal states and the former southern rebel states in the US will succeed from the union. Setting up a organised miltary force, combined with the above two, too fight a succesful civil war. Then setting out to arrest the 1% regardless where they are in the world or the universe for that matter.

One othe possible future is the 1% do indead get their aims at owning everything but in the name of communism. Watch the hard left they too are a danger. Ps, not every left winger is a commie. Learn to discriminate, between a moderate and a fanatic. This message also goes for the right. Not every conservative is a right wing neo nazie nutter. The movement needs unity but it needs to be sure it's leader ship have the same agenda as an average, finally awaken, American would.

Another possibility that combines with the above one is the 1% win in the USA but lose in the rest of the world.  Due to the older rich families of Europe combined with the rest of the worlds population. See through their shit and prevent them from succeeding. At some point helping the liberation of the rest of the USA from the curse of these deeply evil rich cunts.

Maybe just maybe Obarma wins the next election with a land slide thus giving him the power to actually bring in change. Plus he may turn around and dismiss the Defence Authorization Bill and draw up a far more democratic one. Guys and Girls if you want to avoid the inevitable pray this is the option that manifests.

Cute Boobs found on a Pussy Cat


The above in quotations is part of a posting I placed on my face book page. What the posting was about is important but I'll do another blog about that. This blog will be about my growing dispar at the willingness of people in general to remain blissfully ignorant. I had put this preamble above my posting on face book to provide extra emphasis to the importance of what I had just posted. I had previously posted many simular posting all about threats to our democracy, eg sopa, collapsing environment, climate change, etc. Other than about one or two people (usually the usual suspects) I got very little if any comments or views for that matter.

I really feel like that lone voice in the wilderness. I have actually lost so called friendships over it.

I defiantly think the quality of the average person has lowered. Apathy, Apathy Apathy, party party party. Then such a big surprise when were all slaves to the super rich as we were once surfs, property of the over lord. Democracy has failed simply because the vast majority of people don't care. More importantly They think nothing will change under fascism. How funny and  how wrong they are.  People are extremely apathetic and uninterested.

If the posting isn't something funny or cute. They don't want to know. I am at a loss what to do about it.

I have it. Cute Boobs found on a Pussy Cat.

I'll set to work on it. A bit false and misleading but what can you do.

"You area lion " Funny Catpix


I'm gonna mold these to images together. Put in a machine gun and call it killer Kitty with Tittie.

That will roll them in and then explain the national defense authorization bill for those in the US and how kitty with Tittie will save us.

It's a work in progress. Then cute baby with attitude v's climate change is real. Ummm Hey and ummm ragging Grannie with dogs bum out to save the world- this one will be about species extinction. Man who's bum talks. Literally a talking bottom that will highlight problems in the world.

How long I can get away with this is any one's guess but what is a leftie going to do to get the message out to those who like having their heads stuck in the sand?