Monday 6 February 2012

The Death of the Mighty USA

The Death of the Mighty USA

Destroy a middle class- destroy your country.

Absurd as it sounds the far right capitalist forces (as apposed to moderate capitalist forces) have the upper hand in America. They have convinced a sisable portion of the population that in the name of anti socialism and pro freedom (as if socilised programs such as public roads are anti freedom) to reduced to nothing, the safety net. Tax the top 1% to the point they pay far less taxes per dollar than the middle classes and increase the tax burden on the again the middle classes.

The occupy movement is dismissed as rapists, commies scum, etc. The very needed solutions to turn it all around are dismissed out of hand and the deficit increases astronomically. Last count 14 trillion and growing.

Laws, such as the national defense authorisatioin bills, in which a few subclauses have removed all the normal freedoms of a modern democracy such as the right to a free trial , etc. Built the FEMA camps. Signed by President Obarma on new years eave. I could go on.

The result is an increasingly unemployed, over priced , underpayed and over taxed middle class. That is collapsing into the have not bracket of the once comfortable working class. Which has largly being destroyed.

Now you would think a significant number of people would be waking up. Yes more pople see the wood for the trees and have stopped bying into the Fox CNN wonderland propaganda shit but too many more are digging in and bying it even more.

The result a down sized protest movement unable to rally the masses, dismissed as anti freedom commie cunts and finally easilly rounded up under some terrorist act and placed in FEMA camps.

Consequently the base for America's existence is crumbling. The solutions prevented from happening. Such as bring back the tax levels of the top 1% as under Ronald Regan. This will go a long way to deal with deficit. Maybe also rich welfare could be ended such as subsidizing the oil industry. I can really see the republicans going for that one. Unfortunately and in reality,  I can see, regardless of either democrat or republican control, the roads system privatised, public education removed, etc. Contry to the claims of right wing  libertarians. Handing the solution of the US to the top 1%. Will not lead to the USA getting out of the quagmire. It will lead to it's utter destruction. (ps Don't try arguing with them. They just don't get it).

The 1% are in fact already setting up contingency plans in other countris such as Australia and New Zealand. Like rats desertinga sinking ship. For example Heliburton has set up its head quarters in Perth Western Australia.

With it's infulstructure collapsed, including many bridges, no money to fix it, a mountin of debit it can't pay back. The once grand old USA will be a shell of its self. Canada would have built a fence and Mexico will finish off the fence on its boarder with the USA.

Another thing, the US government, along with private interests, engaged in a lot of dirty wars in Latin America and the rest of the world, over the last 60 or so years. The America of the mid to late 21 Century is going to be very vulnerable to the same tricks, ie dirty wars, that played against others. Oh Talk about the sins of the fathers being visited on the children. The poor American people they will be left to face the consequences of the 1% activities after the last 60 years.


Mean will the super rich will being fucking up the countries they moved to in the same own the pollies crap they did to the USA.

Two counter forces to this scenario being the future.

One:  Increasing numbers of police and military personel both current and former are waking up to the real problems. There is a growing movement of Oath Tackers. Prommising to defend the American people from any out side or inside threat. As pushed in the American Constitution.

Two: Various underground groups are forming. Collecting arms and preparing. At some point the Occupy Movement, the Tea Party Movement and the Survivalist Movement will realise they have more in common than not. As Fascism becomes more apparent, alliances will be formed.

Three: A distinct possiblity that more liberal states and the former southern rebel states in the US will succeed from the union. Setting up a organised miltary force, combined with the above two, too fight a succesful civil war. Then setting out to arrest the 1% regardless where they are in the world or the universe for that matter.

One othe possible future is the 1% do indead get their aims at owning everything but in the name of communism. Watch the hard left they too are a danger. Ps, not every left winger is a commie. Learn to discriminate, between a moderate and a fanatic. This message also goes for the right. Not every conservative is a right wing neo nazie nutter. The movement needs unity but it needs to be sure it's leader ship have the same agenda as an average, finally awaken, American would.

Another possibility that combines with the above one is the 1% win in the USA but lose in the rest of the world.  Due to the older rich families of Europe combined with the rest of the worlds population. See through their shit and prevent them from succeeding. At some point helping the liberation of the rest of the USA from the curse of these deeply evil rich cunts.

Maybe just maybe Obarma wins the next election with a land slide thus giving him the power to actually bring in change. Plus he may turn around and dismiss the Defence Authorization Bill and draw up a far more democratic one. Guys and Girls if you want to avoid the inevitable pray this is the option that manifests.

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