Wednesday 8 May 2013

Angry Old White Guys

(An example of some of the signs appearing at Tea Party rallies.)

It seems a whole lot of good old white guys and a few younger ones, are pissed that the repubtards are not officially in power in the White house but if they bothered to look. The Repubtards and their corporate (no environmental and ban labor law cunts) bosses are largely running the show.
They are planning a all gun carrying and loaded, million strong march on Washington called Open Carry Washington, on July the 4th. I kid you not. Moron March great name, describes them perfectly. Anyway this march, which has 900 signed up to all ready, is organised by a well known right wing nutter  Adam Kokesh. A libertarian radio host who ran for office with Ron Paul. Who openly last week called for the removal of government.

Adam Kokesh explains the march as, 

"We will march with rifles loaded and slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated and cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government and to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent."

You only have to read this plus the ridiculous right wing comment points left  in reponse to the The Young Turks (TYT) ,You Tube Video the " Million Moron March",  to see Fascism is coming to America and it isn't coming via the Democrats. Con-try to the gun nutter claims. Below is an example of two of the comments.

Daval Johnston "will die as a martyr before going any further tyrannical rule.this is our country we decide when we have had enough."

  • My reply to that comment was, "Enough of what? Week decentralized government. Which is both unwilling and unable to bring the likes of the Koch brothers and other corrupt corporate cunts to justice. For polluting the environment or undermining workers rights, to selling tainted products on the market, etc. Nor unable to prosecute those corrupt bankers for giving toxic lone's to people who could never repay. Thus setting up the biggest economic collapse in recent history. Or are you just upset the nigger is in the white house?

    (Look another Tea Partier brain farting in public.)

    Then there was this from Resisting 1 "switch to Alex Jones (an ultra conservative radio host) you freaks, you don,t have to watch TYT."

    This was countered by Ascadien," Gun nuts don't realize that we're not "taking away" their guns. We want to make it harder for bad guys to get them. You can still keep your guns and buy guns. Just make it harder for dangerous people with records to get them. Why can't they understand that?"

    There is hope yet for America. The point he makes is probably the root cause of this protest and other similar open gun carrying protests especially down south. Such as occurred in Virginia and Oregon (see the second top picture in this article). Recently the Obama administration tried to pass through the republican controlled congress some gun control measures which included a ban on assault weapons and criminal back ground checks for potential gun Byers. A measure that had the support of over 90% of Americans in general and 80% of registered republican voters. It just shows the power of the gun lobby over their puppets the repubtards.

    Yet this victory is obviously not enough for these tea party freaks. If this march goes ahead we could be in for a real show. This comment from Ronald Reagan will cause brain raptures for sure for some good old white folk.

    What Ronald in favor of gun control? Couldn't be. Na just another liberal socialist lie. Put out by the pro-liberal mainstream press. The same press which papers over the tar sands and fracking issues. That has always sided with the government, except may be during the Vietnam era, with what ever war they got involved in. I could go on. 

    As I said before these Tea Party blow hard's and there fellow traveler's the Dominionists (name for fundamentalist religious nutters trying to take over the Republican party) and the KKK are a real threat to Democracy in the USA. It could be the aims of the marchers are to create a violent incident with the Democrat government to usher in a civil war. With their side winning. You don't have to worry about the ethnic minorities, the college kids and the woman's vote then. Do you? It will be the good old boys and their religious freak pales who will be in charge then.

    Fuck democracy. Democracy is a liberal commie socialist fascist feminist nazie plot. 

    Angry Tea Bager

    "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in excess body fat & carrying a misspelled sign."

    This juicy quote from  daganium posted on A comments page in Crooks and Liars, blog on Sera Paulains "That Obama wants to return to the days before the civil war..." Is just too good to be missed. 

    Fuck 10 out of 10. Well done dananium.

    Yes Lady an cause ya can't spell ya can't stay

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