Thursday 2 May 2013

Hey Zombie Brain

Hey Zombie Brain
Thinking is not a crime. 
You should try it some time.
Cos your asleep at the wheel 
on the road to no where Special
From Big Brother to Dancing with the Stars 
To Watching Pauline Bigot Hanson cooking with the school kids.
A Master Chef Special.
To that utterly stupid Splash
and all that other 
 TV brain killing Trash.

You are gonna be caught with your pants down
You clown.
Because come sea level rises
There will be many surprises 
Because ignorance and denial is the norm.
From googlie eyed Monckton and that lier Ian Plimer
Plus all the Koch and Oil industry funded denialist campaign.
You actually believe your anti intellectual ignorance is on par with 
the tested knowledge of Climate Scientists.

It is fashionable to be stupid.
Join the Herd because we are off to Murdoch and Gina wonderland.
Where the rich care more about the poor than those evil unionists do.
Where the unfetted market place will decide your wages.
Where you will end up in your cages 
of unpayable mortgages. 
With rent going through the roof.

Because come Abbott. 
You will be like that poor Rabbit.
Caught in an open field 
With Mr Fox slinking through the grass.
And those birds of prey
and your bosses.
Happy that you are going to make their day.

Oh if only 
I thought 
Before I passed my Vote.

Poem by Mr Pinco Nico

Now for an interesting quote.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” 

Isaac Asimov

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