Tuesday 25 March 2014

Bigot Australia Abbotts New Power Game

I'm actually disgusted. This is a new low. Abbott and Co may start to play the racist baiting game. To win over even more of the working class traditional Labor voters. The Australian Tea Party site if full of ridiculous fear over the Muslims trying to implement sharia law in Australia. As if 1.5% of the population has any kind of real power over the other 98.5%. At the same time Abbott and co have watered down the 457 visa laws making it easier for employers to bring in cheaper overseas labor.

On that level it's actually very funny. The very government who on one hand wolf whistles to the bigots is actually the government making it easier for third world labourers to compete with union award good old aussie battlers. 

A scene from the Sydney Canola riots

You watch the distraction game EVIL MUSLIMS, END MULTICULTURALISM, ASSIMILATION IS THE ANSWER. Andrew Bolt , the Australia and all the other usual suspects media suspects will bleat hand in hand with the Aussie Tea Partiers to promote racial unrest. Will through the back door the likes of China can even by up even more of our precious agricultural land and filipino laborers can crowd in some outer suburban house working for as little as $5 an hour. With their Aussie employers even taking out their rent from their pay. 

This current conservative federal government is the most hateful and the worse in Australia's history. We as a nation are going to suffer big time. Of course when the working class finally wakes up to the coalitions game. Just watch, gerrymandered seats favoring the liberals, voter suppression laws targeting traditional labor and green voters and voter ID laws that make it compulsory for you to have in order to vote. You can bet just as in the Republican controlled states in the USA have done the above, those Voter ID cards will be very expensive. 

For those in the know. Have you wondered why in America, even when Democrats are popular that the Republicans seem to always catch the lower house. In republican controlled states with all of the above at work. Democrats need to capture over 75% of the vote in order to win in a republican controlled area. Why do you thing Fox News and the Republican party is so extreme and mad. They want to capture the extreme right vote. 

You watch this is what probably will happen in Australia. We are going to be in for a very ruff ride. Abbott is already dismantling our social welfare system. At a time our mining industry is slowing down and our manufacturing industry is disappearing. To get this kind of conservative/facists out could take a real full on struggle. 

PS: To those concerned about Muslim Sharia Law take a look at the growing influence of the Australian Christian Right. 

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