Friday 14 March 2014

Loonie Republicans soon to a government near you.

Some loosers voted for this twat. There lays the problem.
A democracy is only good as it's people
Ignorance is not bliss. So shall we in the west shall very much learn.

So the loonie right GOPers (Republicans) are at it again? 

Disenfranchising the poor from the vote, ie expensive voter ID's. Making guns easily available to nutters (No ID nor background check required). Running a permanent hate campaign to the most important piece of health care reform in recent American history. Blocking supply thus closing down the government and blocking any government appointments by the Obama administration. Then turning around and blaming Obama for closing down the government and calling him a dictator because he implements executive orders in order to bypass the most negative obstructive congress in America's history.  I shudder to think what would happen to the world let alone America if they get the white house.

I recently read an article about how easily the republicans won a recent federal by-election in Florida. The comments section of this article was full of "Well sucked in to the liberals (Democrats), The liberals (Democrats for my Aussie friends) can't keep their hand out of our pockets, etc" Not one comment on the utter lunacy of the GOP. Sorry to rant but what the fuck does it take to wake these fucken dickheads up. You have Putin on one hand being a fucken right wing cunt. Now the world could be, in 2016, to have the most military largest nation taken over by a loonie bunch of Christian Taliban hell bent in turning the world to their stupid version of Jesus. Please wiki pedia dominionism. These losers are on the public record of not only denying the science of climate change but blaming it on GOD punishing us for masturbating and for the US and other countries decriminalising homosexuality. As for the legalisation of gay marriage. Well their version of God has some special punishments coming our way.  

Now lets repeat and get the whole picture. A Russian expansionist demagogue, Climate change, peak fisheries, etc and a western democratic voting population with the inbuilt stupidity to the put the likes of Serra Pauline, Michelle Buckman, Tony Abbott (Aus) and ultimately the Dominionists via the Tea Party controlled Republican party in power. 

                                                    (Bla Bla Bla Obama's Fault)
                                                             Serra Paulein

The problem of voter stupidity is not limited to the southern states of America. In the western democracies particular diseases have taken hold. Apathy, general disinterest in politics and being too much in the comfort zone. This has being brought about by a largely corpratised media which has promoted entertainment news over the real thing. General lack of real suffering as experienced by the general population in the second world war and the great depression. Though this is changing especially for those in Europe and the US. People have forgotten what is was like before the trade unions became active thus support for the Labor side politics has dropped. The effective use of fear of foreigners, greenies taking our jobs, corrupt unions (as if the corporate world smells of roses in comparison), etc by the right.

Plus a relatively new tactic by the right, that when in opposition being overly negative and obstructiveness to the incumbent government. With an over the top zeal and craziness unseen before in politics (ie, Tony Abbott, Michelle Buckman, Ted Cruz, etc). With a mainstream media trying to appear impartial and balanced between the claims of utter nut fuck and someone more ordinary. Or in Murdoch's case being utterly biased in favour of the right. Add to this the tendency for people to grow tired of one side of politics and give the other side a go. All this has conspired to make a significant proportion of the voting population to not truly look closely at who they are voting for and actually voting against their interests. Thus essentially voting in wolves in sheeps clothing. 

Thus in my country Australia. Who would be deeply surprised if we see Abbott after banning protesting, even bringing national service, total logging of all Australia's national parks, privatising the ABC and the SBS, removing all social security, etc easily winning the next federal election. All this happening no matter how bad the employment situation is and climate disasters ravening the country and indeed the world. 

                                                  (Mr Tony I'm a Christian Abbott)
Australia's Esteemed Prime Minister who's government will blocking a few refo boats, much to popular media applause, reformed the 457 visa laws which now allows firms to import cheaper third world labor at the expense of Australian nationals. With not such as much as a fart from the media nor the good old true blue 'I'm stralin' folk. Did a world first in removing climate action reforms and a world heritage listing to a significant piece of the state of Tasmania's wilderness. And a hell of a lot of other right wing obnoxious shit. We in the left warned our fellow Aussies before the 2013 federal election but got told to fuck off and go back to ya own country. We have voting loosers as well. What a pack of bunnies.


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