Wednesday, 9 November 2016

The Trump presidency and what it means for the world. 

The Trump presidency and what it means for the world.The end of US Exceptionalism. There is a way around it. I'm sorry to say this because I still believe, despite the result, there are many great Americans. Yet as a world we can not rely on the US taking leadership any more. The US Trump land and it's buffoons need to be left behind. Europe must take up the mantel now in western leadership and forward thinking. Maybe the US will catch up some day but obviously not for a time.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Is the Utterly Unthinkable Happening A Trump US Presidency?

Well I was so wrong with my last post. The to near possible unfolding nightmare scenario of Trump Far Right Republican presidency within the US soon. I thought wrongly that the US was better than this but... 

There is though still a chance Hilary will win but by just a slim margin. There are a few days to go before the US election but the polls are too close.

Other factors which are not being taken into account is the security of Europe, once Putin has his puppet in power. The implications and peoples reactions to the implantation of Trumps Muslim ban. Threat to Latino's and other minorities. Such as the planned ethic cleansing by the KKK (they have openly stated this is what they will do if Trump wins). Ban on woman's vote and reproductive rights. The implementation of the far right christian telabanic agenda. Mike Pence, his running mate, is a domionionist. And so on. 

Then in my own Country with Australia's PM Melcome Turnbals flirting with one nation. Our country could to go down the same path. Scott Morrison, Abbott, etc are at least sympathetic to the domionionist agenda. 

As for the world now dealing with climate change ???? As a long time lefty environmental activist. I have never felt such despair. I'd delay any trip to the US. Please check the out come and safety issues. I predict war in Europe and a civil war in America within six months. Take care.

I hold Assange, the FBI and the US mainstream media responsible for this nightmare. 

Friday, 25 March 2016

The True American Federal Election

I sense the true American election is now what is occurring

between Hillary and Bernie. The Republican party is 
unelectable. Cos their nuts.

Unfortunately the Repubtards are trying to steal the democratic 
process through voter suppression of democratic voters, ie 
gerrymandering electoral districts, reducing polling booths so 
people spend hours in the voting lines, missing democratic voting 
slips, corrupt voter ID requirements favoring repubtard jesus 
freaks and tea party kkk types. Then there is the corrupted on line 
voting machines. 

Though this may still prove not enough to get the fuck sticks 
across the line.

Check these links

RBReich/videos/1191952287484032/?pnref=story - very good explanation 



Mainly because Trump and Cruz plus the entire rest of the repubtard party have zero credibility and support amoungst, women, intellectuals, Liberals,etc and Latino's plus Afro Americans, Asians and so on. Thus the vast majority of Americans


Their religious crazy, right wing libertarian (rich people are to saintly) and kkk base alone will not in a normal election carry them across the line. They also can only cheat in states where they govern.

All I can say is we live in hope. 

Yet what is the Democratic party doing about this. I know Obama has used the high court to reduce this ugliness but a lot more needs to be done. The world can neither have a new Disney style Hitler in the form of Donald Trump or a Religious World Theocratic state (Domionist)Ted Cruz in charge of America and it's nukes. Especially when we need to be doing something, anything about man made climate change fast. 

Mainstream corporate American media also has a lot to answer too. Their so called unbiased reporting put nutters on equal footing with normal politicians plus they are deliberately now ignoring the Berny Sanders phenomenon. 

We can only hope the likes of The Young Turks and other non mainstream media can make up for the sad stupidity of once reasonable news out lets. 

Check out Young Turks- click on the below and it will take you to a video on the very point I'm making. 

Young Turks- PBS 

Rupert Murdoc you have a lot to answer too. 

Our future safety as a species is now in serious risk 

We live in hope. 

Ted Cruz - Check out my blog Warning to my fellow Wiccans. It is the blog before this one. 

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Warning to my fellow Wiccans. 

A real threat to world wide free and open societies is unfolding in America. This threat is called Domionism or reconstructulism. A definition of which as given by researcher Frederic Clark  "A general outline of what the reconstructed 'Kingdom,' or confederation of Biblical theocracies, would look like emerges from the large body of Reconstructionist literature. This society would feature a minimal national government, whose main function would be defense by the armed forces. No social services would be provided outside the church, which would be responsible for 'health, education, and welfare.' A radically unfettered capitalism (except in so far as it clashed with Biblical Law) would prevail. Society would return to the gold or silver standard or abolish paper money altogether. The public schools would be abolished. ("Rick Sanatorium", me) Government functions, including taxes, would be primarily at the county level. 
Women would be relegated primarily to the home and home schools, and would be banned from government. Those qualified to vote or hold office would be limited to males from Biblically correct churches." From Theocratic Watch web site. 
Read an earlier article by my self on this movement-

In the 1980's Pat Roberson 

a well known TV evangelist promoted right wing Christians to join the republican party on mass. Which occurred and over time they have largely succeed in dominating the Republican party, especially in the southern states. Seek out why so many republican controlled US states are making it hard for women to seek abortion. Also why schools are forced to teach creationism instead of evolution, etc. This is because of the many far right Christians that now have positions of power with in the republican party. 

Cruz and Rubio are only second to Trump in the republican party nomination. Both are Domionists. Cruz's wife and father openly proclaim him as being nominated by God to rule America. He, him self, has stated that the bible is where he will rule from.

                                                  Ted Cruz                                                  Marco Rubio

What I fear is due to the mad antics of Donald Trump and both the media's and public's focus on him. The domionist threat of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio will largely go unnoticed by the voting public in America. This could lead to an even bigger threat to America and the world than Trumps Fascism. The white house having a Domionist president. With the insidious curse of fanatical Christian rule. 

The domionist doctrine states it is to use the US's considerable fire power to rage a world wide crusade. To concur the world for Jesus. Including in Australia. We all know what happened last time Christian fanatics ruled the world. It was called the dark ages. Also what happened to the pagan/native religions of the lands they invaded?

Here is some interesting further reading.

Theocracy Watch

Texas Republican Wants Women to carry decreased unborn to Full Term







Ted-Cruz-scares-the-me-the most

Wake the Fuck Up People

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

NSW Liberals call for national debates on the so 

called consensus on climate change science. 

"A motion passed at the party's state council calls on the government to "arrange and hold 

public debates/discussions" between scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on 

Climate Change and "independent climate scientists."

Read more: 
Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

It simply just gets worse. Guess who the so 

called independent scientists will be. A who's who of the

corporate shill denier lobby. Makes me deeply sick.

World over the consensus on man made climate science has being in since the late 90's. There is more consensus on climate science than even on evolution. The number of pier reviewed papers on the effects of human sourced Co2 on heating our atmosphere is in the thousands. The so called climate science deniers have produced no papers in recognized scientific journals because they already know their many points of dissidence have already being refuted. They there for play games in right leaning news sources. To continue the sowing of doubt over a long settled science. 

Why am I so unsurprised the corporate shill party of Australia, The Liberal Party, is playing the same game. A time will come when these cunts will be brought to justice. Things are now unfolding faster than the scientific modelling predicted. Siberia and the Arctic seas are now releasing methane. Which is 25 times more potent than co2 as a green house gas. If this continues soon climate change will be unstoppable. Resulting in devastation never before experienced by humanity.