Friday 25 March 2016

The True American Federal Election

I sense the true American election is now what is occurring

between Hillary and Bernie. The Republican party is 
unelectable. Cos their nuts.

Unfortunately the Repubtards are trying to steal the democratic 
process through voter suppression of democratic voters, ie 
gerrymandering electoral districts, reducing polling booths so 
people spend hours in the voting lines, missing democratic voting 
slips, corrupt voter ID requirements favoring repubtard jesus 
freaks and tea party kkk types. Then there is the corrupted on line 
voting machines. 

Though this may still prove not enough to get the fuck sticks 
across the line.

Check these links

RBReich/videos/1191952287484032/?pnref=story - very good explanation 



Mainly because Trump and Cruz plus the entire rest of the repubtard party have zero credibility and support amoungst, women, intellectuals, Liberals,etc and Latino's plus Afro Americans, Asians and so on. Thus the vast majority of Americans


Their religious crazy, right wing libertarian (rich people are to saintly) and kkk base alone will not in a normal election carry them across the line. They also can only cheat in states where they govern.

All I can say is we live in hope. 

Yet what is the Democratic party doing about this. I know Obama has used the high court to reduce this ugliness but a lot more needs to be done. The world can neither have a new Disney style Hitler in the form of Donald Trump or a Religious World Theocratic state (Domionist)Ted Cruz in charge of America and it's nukes. Especially when we need to be doing something, anything about man made climate change fast. 

Mainstream corporate American media also has a lot to answer too. Their so called unbiased reporting put nutters on equal footing with normal politicians plus they are deliberately now ignoring the Berny Sanders phenomenon. 

We can only hope the likes of The Young Turks and other non mainstream media can make up for the sad stupidity of once reasonable news out lets. 

Check out Young Turks- click on the below and it will take you to a video on the very point I'm making. 

Young Turks- PBS 

Rupert Murdoc you have a lot to answer too. 

Our future safety as a species is now in serious risk 

We live in hope. 

Ted Cruz - Check out my blog Warning to my fellow Wiccans. It is the blog before this one. 

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