NSW Liberals call for national debates on the so
called consensus on climate change science.
"A motion passed at the party's state council calls on the government to "arrange and hold
public debates/discussions" between scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change and "independent climate scientists."
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/nsw-liberals-call-for-national-debates-on-climate-change-science-20160307-gnd3zn.html#ixzz42JJthWWL
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It simply just gets worse. Guess who the so
called independent scientists will be. A who's who of the
corporate shill denier lobby. Makes me deeply sick.

World over the consensus on man made climate science has being in since the late 90's. There is more consensus on climate science than even on evolution. The number of pier reviewed papers on the effects of human sourced Co2 on heating our atmosphere is in the thousands. The so called climate science deniers have produced no papers in recognized scientific journals because they already know their many points of dissidence have already being refuted. They there for play games in right leaning news sources. To continue the sowing of doubt over a long settled science.
Why am I so unsurprised the corporate shill party of Australia, The Liberal Party, is playing the same game. A time will come when these cunts will be brought to justice. Things are now unfolding faster than the scientific modelling predicted. Siberia and the Arctic seas are now releasing methane. Which is 25 times more potent than co2 as a green house gas. If this continues soon climate change will be unstoppable. Resulting in devastation never before experienced by humanity.
Should these panels eventuate, and Turnbull has proved he's a pusillanimous leader who will allow such things, I wanna be there when the neocons are destroyed by scientists in open debate
This government is doing all it can to postpone affirmative action on climate change. It's vested interests with fossil fuel industries is clearly corrupt and is frightening and dangerous. The fact that we are on a rapid path of destruction from global warming and extreme weather events means nothing to these people. They were elected to represent the people and act in their best interests but they are doing the exact opposite - even to the extent of stripping us of our basic human rights including free speech and access to clean air water and food. They must be stopped
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