Tuesday 23 April 2013

An interesting Point

Network ten's chief political editor on Tony Abbott:

"Yeah look. Let's cut to the chase here, this is all about demonising boat people. It's all about making a big problem even sound and look bigger.
 This whole idea that we have porous borders is rubbish.
 Of the people who arrived in Geraldton, where are they? Well two thirds of them are back in Sri Lanka.
 The fact of the matter is this is an exploitation of Australian xenophobia."
( Radio Nation Breakfast, 23 April 2013)"

We have a big problem of a significant number of traditional Labor voters being persuaded to vote against their interests because of their mindless fear and bigotry. The neo conservatives know this and are going to wolf whistle to racists for some time yet. The only solution I see to this evil is to persuade non racist actual liberal voters, because of the dangers of racism, to vote for either Labor or the Greens.

What do I mean about the dangers of racism. Other than the obvious injustice of an increase in hate based incidents against ethnic minorities in our country. As witnessed recently by the increase of racist incidents, as seen on you tube, on our public transport. In a climate created by Abbott and his hench men for political gain. We are gaining a very bad reputation for this around the world. For example a recent attack on a young French woman for daring to hum to her self some french song, by a pack of Aussie arseholes, made the news in France. Let alone the attacks on Indian students last year in Melbourne.  Among many other examples of Australian bigotry making the news over seas.

A few years ago a shipping yard in South Australia won a contract to build several friggets for Indonesia. A contract probably worth millions of dollars. Which for South Australia probably would have resulted in hundreds of jobs for Aussies. To the dismay of the shipping yard a French consortium stole the contract on the basis Australians are racist. How before long will this problem become  common place for Australian exporters?

Abbott and co are playing a dangerous game. In the short run wolf whistling to bigots will give the Liberals a political advantage over Labor but in the long run prove disastrous for Australia, as a whole. Furthermore how long will it take for Australia to regain its image as a fair go nation and not find its self discriminated against on the world stage?


CrazyEd said...

It's so true. There are examples all over the world of better practices when dealing with refugees (even if they become illegal immigrants in the end). We have a brilliant country that overwhelmingly NOT racist But with the Leaders of our country pampering to a narrow minded few for votes placing an internationally observed spotlight on the ugly how can it not effect international relations.
People wanting to come to this great country is understandable and we need to learn to deal with it humanely. Besides is it really better if NO ONE wants to come here.

Mr Pinco Nico said...

The bigots will get a bit of a surprise come work choices mark 2.