Tuesday 30 April 2013

Labor 12 Billion in the Red

Labor 12 Billion in the Red. You can't ignore it. This is probably the death nell of the Gillard government. Up to that point it could be argued that Australia's AAA economy with its relativity low unemployment and generally stable economy was the envy of the world. The much aligned Mining and Carbon taxes, contry to claims, did not spell the death of businesses. The fact is these taxes have not resulted in to much tax burden for either the mining nor the energy sector but to little. Both a result of smart accounting and to many loop holes in both tax systems. The fall in the Europien carbon price didn't help either. This has contributed along with the higher Australian dollar to the surprise budget short fall.

Yes it can be argued that labor has spent to much but the that argument can be countered that in a time of world wide economic termil the economy needed a stimulus  Through the building program to schools and the pink pats program (Yes there were problems with it but it did largely achieve its aims) plus some others, Labor achieved it goal of stimulating the economy. To the envy of the rest of the world. Resulting in Australia's a AAA economic rating and an international award to treasurer Wane Swan. A robust mining sector, thanks to China's commodities demand, also helped.

Add in the 12 Billion budget shortfall news along with the fall out from the Craig Thomson affair. Along with the radio shock jocks and the largely Gina and Rupert controlled anti labor mainstream press. Plus a general dislike in the electorate to our first female prime minister (falling back on her pre-election promise not to bring in a Carbon tax did not help) and minus some miracle. It looks like Abbott and co will do a walk in.

Heaven fucken help us.

If you want to know what an Abbott government will look like read my article called "The Sheeples won't know what hit them." It makes an interesting but worrying read.

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