Tuesday 30 April 2013

What Gives??????

 It is not that these politicians exist that is the problem. It is the fact that for them to win a seat enough fucktards exist in the electorate for them to do so. The mind boggles. At how stupid a significant number of people have become. 
What gives????

Texas has also banded the teaching of critical thinking in schools. Due to such thinking being a danger to christian beliefs. 

Many states in America especially southern ones have made it compulsory that creationism be taught along side evolutionary theory, in school science classes.

Kansus has passed a law banning bicycle paths because they are a socialist plot

The state of Missouri has ban on hobbit holes and sustainability in order to fight so called  UN agenda 21. Which the US is not a signitury too and is only a list of environmental proposals.

Enough about America what of the rest of the world?

In the recent Italian federal election. Despite all the controversy and obvious corruption surrounding him. Mr Bunga Bunga him self, Berlusconi, almost got re-elected into office. 

Mean will in Australia, which for the last five years has had five of its worse climatic disasters in recorded history. Is, come September, about to elect a Prime Minister who is on the public record of claiming man made climate change is "Crap".

What Gives???????????

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