Sunday 26 January 2014

Love it or Leave

Love it or Leave. 

I wonder what that means. Could it mean simply a statement of love for ones country and a desire for a healthy sense of nationalism. And if you don't have that love of your nation and are not nationalistic you should leave. I can see the merit of such an argument but I can also see the danger. The danger that this kind of sentiment could be used to silence genuine criticism of current dangerous trends in the Australian culture and politics. 

"Your unaustralian get out"

Such as:  Does it mean you can not stay if you have a problem with a significant number of Australia's population current obsession of hating refugee's, ie namely boat people. That obnoxious uncritical mindless and at times violent nationalism should  remain unchallenged, ie the Cornalla riots in Sydney. That to do so is to be labeled unaustralian and silenced or simply ignored with your point of view unheard and thus unheeded. So to inadvertently pave the say for right wing extremism in the body politic.That it is ok to hide behind the flag to promote hatred towards migrants and indigenous Australians for political gain and power. To be used as a tool by unscrupulous sections of the business, media and political class to manipulate less educated sections of our country to be distracted from seeing the abuse of the 457 visa program, to reintroduce the Howard era's work choices legislation and disinpower the union and workers rights movement's.

Could it be too used to silence genuine criticism towards the current approach of both our conservative controlled federal and state governments mindless anti environmentalism and pro development and head in the sand approach to man made climate change? Such as Abbott's recent removal of Australia wide marine park system and the impending removal of an environmentally significant part of Tasmania's forests from the world heritage list. An actual world first. That mining, logging, grazing of stock, fishing, hunting, fracking, ets, is to be allowed in national parks. Thanks to state level rules put in place by conservative state governments in QLD, VIC and NSW's.

Am I to be branded a fluffy bunny softie leftie cunt who should leave because he has a problem with the current mindless direction his country is going in. Just roll over and be one of the uncritical uninvoled, happily to be ignorant, Aussie good block crowd. For fear of being labeled unaustralian an ostracized. 

Or told 

"If you don't like it Leave"

No there is nothing wrong with a positive love of your country and flag. Nor having school kids sing the national anthem. I'm offended when stupid dumb fucks expect me to line up in their vitriol of hapless and desperate refuges. To fall into line and be uncritical of Gina's and others like her use and abuse of the 457 visa system. Bringing in hapless migrants to work as little as $5 an hour will Abbott plans to make unemployed Australians work for three months for fucken free. Now that's what I call unaustralian and she and the likes of her should be made to fuck off. 

Once upon a time our nation had a strong union movement supported by a very active, informed and involved Australian population that kept the Tories and their plans in check. That didn't have a problem with refugees. Which tried to get the balance between development and the environment right. 

An Australia, on Australia day, that didn't get into mindless chest beating flag waving nationalism as we see in other countries and were proud of the fact. Now that's the Australia I wish to celebrate and honor. It's the Australia I sadly miss. 

Uncritical mindless nationalism has being used before in other countries , ie Germany in the 30's and early 40's to violently attack minorities and push the population into supporting totally unjustifiable war. The right are infamous using nationalism as a tool to convince the working classes to vote against their interests. It has also being used in Australia. EG. Howard and the Tamper and child over board affair. Which was largely a right wing press beat up. Which resulted in just two week before a federal election Howard coming from 20 points behind Beasley, the then Labor opposition leader, to comfortably win a second term. Howard went on to win another two terms under the banner of Labor is week on refugees and border protection. 

Post script: Since when do bigots have the right to claim exclusive ownership of the Australian flag and nationalism. No you fuck off and leave.