Thursday 30 January 2014

Tony Abbott eyes off the ABC

"The row over the ABC ignited yesterday when Mr Abbott accused the corporation of being on everybody's side "except Australia's".

Asked whether it was the ABC's role to be patriotic, Mr Laundy said it was the ABC's role to be impartial.

Victorian Liberal Sharman Stone said the charge that the ABC was "un-Australian" had not been her experience." a The above is a quote from the article "Coalition MP's feud over the treatment of the ABC.

Beware the tag unaustralian. This appeal has the hall marks of the classic tactic of far right politicians appeal to patriotism in order to justify the closing down of genuinely critical reporting rather than the bum kissing of media puppets such as those usual suspects in the commercial media. Thank goodness some sense of priority still exists in the liberal party. We are though need to keep the pressure up on Abbott. 

There is a protest march against Abbott planed in March. I for one am going.

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