Sunday 26 January 2014

Ustrala Day Mate

I know this post will probably get me into trouble. But I have to say it.  I proud to be an Australian for a number of reasons.

1. Australia was the first modern nation to give woman the vote. Prompting the then leader of Russia, Lenin, to ask, "Who is this nation called Australia?

2. One of Kevin Rudds first actions being publicly appologising on behalf of the Australian Nation to the indigenous people of Australia to the treatment they received from the rest of Australia in the first 200 years.

3. For the time John Howard did the totally unexpected and stood up to Indonesia in support of the East Timorese.

4. For the time Malcom Frazer and the then Labor opposition refused to make political for political gain, the then 1970's Boat people the Vietnamese. Sadly such wise bipartnership doesn't exist today in Australian politics.

I am ashamed to be Australian for a number of reasons.

1. Australia's toadding to the American war machine by both mainstream parties. Howard's public lying support concerning Irac chemical weapons. Despite ASIO informing him no evidence for such weapons existed.

2. The now sad practice of demonizing Refuges for political gain, especially in our media, steaming from Pauline Hanson, taken up by Howard and further encouraged by Abbott and Co.

3. The sadly new phenomenon only in the last few years, in the general population, for a growing number, but not all, to be overly jingoistic, flag waving morons, proud of their ignorance and espousing now new name of Australia being Ustrala mate. Who now proudly put on the back of their cars stickers which say the likes off, "If you don't like it Fuck off" and one sticker superimposed over a map of Australia, which says "Fuck off where full".

I am worried that 70% of all known media in Australia is now owned by  Rupert Murdoc. Such power in an unelected individual in our nation is frighting. It doesn't take much imagination to realise he wielded that power in our last general election and expects his puppet Abbott to yield to him the ABC and SBS.

I am worried we now have Australia's most right wing government in our history. With an anti science approach to man made climate change. With an out of control pro development anti environment approach not seen since the 50's. That recently gave a break to our super rich tax cheats and is now aiming its guns to our most vulnerable the unemployed and those on disability support. With a totally uncritical arse licking coalition biased media to keep watch on that government. With a significant section of the population seemingly happy in their blissful ignorance of what is happening to our once proud Democracy.

Above all I am worried were we are going as a nation if this trend continues.

For the first time ever I chose not to celebrate Australia Day.

If what I have written has offended any one Sorry but I had to write it.

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