Monday 22 September 2014

Terrosim Australia Abbotts Gain

I wonder why? 800 cops to arrest 15 Muslims, One only charged with a terrorist offence. Big media blitz with the head line planned terrorist attack with public beheading. Cops tell 7.30 report and court no such evidence for such a plan exists. The whole thing is starting to smell of a right wing beat up to turn the polls around. An look what he and his government succeed to do at the same time. Further restrict our freedoms, police given power to search with out warrant, etc. Medicare and vetrens affairs put out to private tender with out so much as a peep from mainstream media. Australia he lied to get into power and he will lie to remain in power will he gleefully serves his corporate masters. As for the cops and Asio keep the good work up, pity how your work is used for political gain.

Here are the links

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