Monday 22 September 2014

Why are so many True Blue Aussies falling for Abbotts Lies?

A public forum point

Whats got me fucked is how many true blue Aussies are falling for it
4 hrs · Like

The problem I have countered with some of the people I know is many Aussies seek to belong and believe what they think their piers believe. Science be damned. Especially those from conservative backgrounds such as country folk. Thus if a fact gets in the way of an opinion,especially a group one, the fact is jettisoned. Another issue is give me convenience or give me death redneck zombie voter wonderland. An tell us what we want to hear not what we need to hear fluffy bunny middle class land.

There are the short attention spanners. Oh Marjorie I'm so angry oh look at that cute kitten. Then there are the bigots who will vote for any wolf whistling hate monger. Not just against refugees and Muslims but single mums, the unemployed, aborigines, uni students, lefties,greenies and whatever is the latest fashionable whipping boy. Why do you think the libs current favorite propaganda is the often pushed line of "the end of entitlement. " I long for the days of the cynical occar types who could smell right wing bullshit a mile away.

Furthermore there is also the issue that in some circles any discussion on politics is actively rejected. People are socialised to be ignorant and proud of it. If I don't know about it the problem doesn't exist.
Another emerging problem are the new agers who actively think that if they don't believe something is happening then it isn't. My thoughts create my reality, bla bla, etc.
                                             The very special Unicorn Farting Rainbows

Then you have the habitual voters my parents voted this way so am I. Now you have the Abbott fear mongering over Muslim terrorism. The list goes on.

But the good news is he and his government are still behind in the polls, including the conservative biased ones. Many Aussies remember Howards wolf whistling games and I am proud to say see through the bull shit.


paulo said...

I entered a comment here and it was deleted when I signed in.

Mr Pinco Nico said...

I've wondered why I wan't receiving any comments despite having many hits. I've checked the setting and every thing seems fine there. I'm going to try to contact the administration of this site and check to see what is happening. If there is no improvement. I will find another blog site where there is no problem.