Saturday 27 September 2014

The Loss of True Journalism and the Death of Democracy.

The loss of true journalism and the replacement of it by info entertainment and right biased propaganda was the start of the death of our democracy. An example of this is the beat up of Muslim terror currently occurring in our mainstream media. This has resulted in Abbott being able to reduce our freedoms but he and his government have being able to do untold damage to Australia's social sphere by putting medicare and vetrons affairs out to private tender. The addition to these important public care bodies of the profit motive, with the obvious result of these services becoming unafordable, to a significant number of Aussies, especially the most vulnerable, deserves much public attention. In stead we have angry mobs out side a Queensland mosque calling for Muslims to get out. Where if the media did its job as it is supposed to do in a modern democracy. We would have angry mobs out side the federal parliament in Canberra calling for Abbott and co to get out. We certainly would not be seeing a jump in poll support for this ugly right government.

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