Sunday, 19 April 2020

Zombie Australia is entitled to a free plastic shopping bag and poo poo paper

From fighting cash attendants for the right to a free plastic shopping bag. Then to the fighting other shoppers over toilet rolls. To then over stock on useless items. Followed bye an embarrassing attempt to return them. With the supermarkets understandably refusing to take the stock back. Average Australia is at it again. 


We can at least be grateful were not like the silly church 
going Americans and their num nuts patriots and other rightwing cock-wobbles. Insisting on not social isolating during a pandemic. "They are going to take our freedom away." I should be at least grateful for that. We can be a bit selfish and silly but at least not that stupid. 

Yet Aussies, along with the Yanks, seem to susceptible to Murdoch lies and tend to vote against our interests.

Well here is it is my video comment called "Free Plastic Shopping Bag"

See the comment button below click on it and please feel free to leave a comment

Friday, 17 April 2020

Distraction and Lies Fox's Lou Dobbs Warmongering Cov-19

Fox personality Lou Dobbs has put forward the idea of war with China as a result of Covid-19. “Dobbs advanced the totally unfounded idea that the disease could be an act of biological warfare(1)”."There is absolutely no evidence that Covid-19 is a biological weapon. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff General Mark Milley made this clear on Tuesday. 14/4/20 (2)".

The virus has already being proven not to have been manufactured in a clinic because it emerged over a ten year period and mutated naturally from other cov strains of flue. In 2019 both in Italy and China a lethal cov virus emerged with similar symptoms. It emerged again in Wuhan China in a far more infectious and lethal version in January 2020. Yet fox news knows this and so do people around Trump. Yet don't let truth stand in the way of a good story.


Thursday, 16 April 2020

The down playing of the severity of the pandemic and fear mongering has begun.

From initially the right and now increasingly the left. The down playing of the severity of the pandemic and fear mongering over a threat to our freedoms has begun. To put things in perspective over 10 000 people to date, have died of the virus in New York alone. No this not just as bad as the common flue. NO THERE IS NOT A SECRET WORLD ELITE INTENT ON TAKING AWAY DEMOCRACY. Sadly some political figures of an authoritarian nature are seeking to take advantage. In Australia we need to watch the likes of Dutton. Many Doctors and Nurses are putting their lives at risk. There have been those who have paid the ultimate price. So be patient. Yes watch the bastards. But don't be so open minded that ya brain falls out.

5G fart wafflers have infiltrated the hippy cool movement

The anti 5G movement now has a hippy lefty face. 

Sadly 5G fart wafflers have infiltrated the hippy cool movement and once that’s happened there is no argument the vegan bum fluffs will accept. 

It all a plan of the Trump lead Rockefeller New World Order. I’m telling you this because it is not just right wing nutters dominating face book with their dribble. 

Sadly there is also a left wing dribble assault on us scientifically aware people. Apparently radio waves can cause cancer. How this is possible scientifically eludes me. It does my head in. Especially given 5G radio waves are non ionizing and way below the microwave strength of a 1000 hertz require to warm water. Let alone cause cellular damage. The highest I've come across, for 5G radio waves, is over 60 hertz and that was from a conspiracy site. It is scientifically between 12 to 24 hertz. Way below the danger zone.

I'm actually am now unwelcome in certain hippy circles because of my research into 5G has proved it's harmless. (Should of kept my mouth shut. Freedom of speech is only for conspiracy theorists- sorry my bad) Karen from Armadal was right all along mannn. 

No free hippy hugs now for me and when i see a group of them coming towards me with large organic carrots. I run

"Nickie where are you? "

Friday, 3 April 2020

Jesus died so we wouldn't watch porn and flap.

What else would you expect him to do. He died a virgin. Had a hot sexy woman with his mom's name poor oil over his feet. When Mary Magdalene was a sex goddess of the Temple of Sofia or was it Isis? He was about to sacrifice him self to him self (just like Odin did- before his wackemong) and get whipped to hell, carry a f'en heavy cross, get nailed to it, cry out why you abandon me daddy, spend three days and nights  in hell, rise to heaven and sit to the right side of him self. All this so we don't masturbate and look at porn. F off. I'd do the same.

#Coz this got me thinking.

if a land lord over charges 
for rent 
and kicks out a Tenant

not a sin

prosperity gospel 

true sin is 
apparently the only sins
are masturbation 
an loving prgressive valu
you know gay sex and fornication.

and voting in progressive polititcans

oh hell le lulia 

give ME Jebus

give bog 
give the holy sprite dressed as 
a gay dog

bubba goo goo whaaafartttt ?
give me bog
Give me the holly spirit dressed in drag

Comrade Hitler is behind the evil 5G HAARP Chemtrails


From a deep state secret bunker in Antarctica. Cryo comrade socialist nazi Hitler and his devilish side kick KKK Obama and Joe Biden devised this cunning plan useing HAARP transmitters to spread 5G network chem trails.  Causing corona virus, cancer, mind control and unfortunate spontaneous bottom burps. 

This was amazing technology. Even when 5G towers were not even put up. Corona virus occurred. As did dead birds and bees falling out of the sky. Especially if a hippie told his friends. The same whining occurred with 2G to 3G, 3G to 4G as is with 4G to 5G but this time Cro Hitler got it write. This amazing fact was coupled with 5G  not being on the minds of the authorities concerned. It hadn't been planed yet. How awesome is that? Even the Reptilian Queen of England approved and was impressed. 

Mean will the cats reported the situation back to their Grey Alien overlords, via their humans amethyst crystals, about what was happening. " Meow" The grey aliens scratched their heads at this information. They had yet to work out what meow meant. The cats just gave them a weird look and got back to licking their butt holes. One alien thought may be using budgies and parrots may have worked out better. 


But don't be frightened. Super Trump is to the rescue. Hitlers and Obama's Nazi Socialist 5G HAARP Chem trail plans will be thwarted. Yet. With the mighty help of Q Anon, the White Helmets and the true Saints and Trumps CovFeFe oxygen purifying magnets.

 I don't understand how any one can think an electronic signal can have impurities that can deplete oxygen. Further more covfefe started as a misspelling of the word "coverage" made in a viral tweet by U.S. President Donald Trump, which subsequently became an Internet meme. (Wickiepedia) Shortly after midnight (EDT) on May 31, 2017. Plus there is no magnet known as CovFeFe. I think a lot of conspiracy theories were started as someone taking the piss. This was how Pizza Gate conspiracy started but it got taken over by QAnon and was given life on 4Chan.

It is true because you read it on the internet.

Note: This is a satirical piece concerning 5G conspiracy theories (misinformation) doing the rounds on the internet, etc. Linked into the Haarp, chem trail, Reptilian, Grey alien plus the classic Nazi flying saucer and antarctic base conspiracy nutteries. The reference to Hitler being a socialist is a piss take on right wing mainstream media's attempt to rewrite history and blame the second world war and it's atrocities on the progressive left.