Friday 17 April 2020

Distraction and Lies Fox's Lou Dobbs Warmongering Cov-19

Fox personality Lou Dobbs has put forward the idea of war with China as a result of Covid-19. “Dobbs advanced the totally unfounded idea that the disease could be an act of biological warfare(1)”."There is absolutely no evidence that Covid-19 is a biological weapon. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff General Mark Milley made this clear on Tuesday. 14/4/20 (2)".

The virus has already being proven not to have been manufactured in a clinic because it emerged over a ten year period and mutated naturally from other cov strains of flue. In 2019 both in Italy and China a lethal cov virus emerged with similar symptoms. It emerged again in Wuhan China in a far more infectious and lethal version in January 2020. Yet fox news knows this and so do people around Trump. Yet don't let truth stand in the way of a good story.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is frightening.