Thursday 16 April 2020

The down playing of the severity of the pandemic and fear mongering has begun.

From initially the right and now increasingly the left. The down playing of the severity of the pandemic and fear mongering over a threat to our freedoms has begun. To put things in perspective over 10 000 people to date, have died of the virus in New York alone. No this not just as bad as the common flue. NO THERE IS NOT A SECRET WORLD ELITE INTENT ON TAKING AWAY DEMOCRACY. Sadly some political figures of an authoritarian nature are seeking to take advantage. In Australia we need to watch the likes of Dutton. Many Doctors and Nurses are putting their lives at risk. There have been those who have paid the ultimate price. So be patient. Yes watch the bastards. But don't be so open minded that ya brain falls out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent point Pinco, lets not let history be repeated.