Sunday, 28 July 2013

The Homosexual Agenda

On ya Garret

Here was my reply

Many right wing nutters deserve there version of heaven A place free of coloreds, gays an any one with an IQ over ten. Where Brian Adams music and Justin Beiber hits are played over and over again. Where they can sing praise for Jesus for ever. Will the rest of us get to enjoy funk and Motown, fuck and enjoy our selves for the rest of time in that other place.

It seems Bishop Desmond Tutu would agree with me. 

desmond tutu hell

From an Article in the Huffington Post

He (Tutu) leaves no doubt about his opinions regarding LGTB rights (Lesbian, Gay and Transgender Rights) declaring: 
I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.
He added: 
I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.
South Africa's iconic archbishop is clearly still fighting for equality despite his retirement, as he went on to relate the gay rights issue to his country's tumultuous history, saying:
I am as passionate about this campaign as I ever was about apartheid. For me, it is at the same level.
One Last Note

Photo: Some humor, found on the Being Liberal fan page.

Posted on Addicting Info

Fuck You Garret and all who think like you.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

It's not Climate Change its the Rapture

They won't get it. 

They never will. 

To many live in denial of the obvious. If you try and wake them. Your dismissed as a commie greenie cunt. Who is out to destroy good old free enterprise. Try arguing with a climate change skeptic. No evidence is enough. It never will be. Even when the water is above their heads. They will just scream even louder for the far right fascist Jesus. Blaming the extreme weather events on the legalisation of homosexuality and pot. Arguing add infintium. You may notice they always make sure they have the last say and dominate any online discussions about climate change. 

We who are already awoken to the inevitable, need to come up with strategies that circumnavigate these morons. Yes if you still have the energy to debate the pro oil lobby climate denialst fools do so but also consider what also needs to be done. Is the electoral path the only path? Can enough people get together and build survivalist colonies. To prepare for the possibility we will not change in time the juggernaut of capitalist greed and short sightedness. Nor awaken enough of the happily apathetic and comfortably uninterested masses from their favorite slumber in denial wonderland. As for the actively denialist camp, give up.

For as the climate disasters worsen I predict people will bury their heads even further into the sand and will be even more hostile to the environmentalist message. Choosing a Fascist Jesus controlled state, as the oil and coal lobby team up with the dominionist movement friends (check my article on dominionism) to perpetuate even further their lies, power and money making. Fear is a powerful tool and when things go wrong people tend to become more religious and hateful. Thus more open to fascism.

Sure there will be those who will awaken as a consequence of both christian fascism and climate change. Finally joining the dots and realise what the real conspiracy was. Not that climate scientist's were working on mass to get government funding and set up a world wide, United Nations, controlled government but greedy bustereds inc are being greedy bastards. An have being funding a misinformation campaign to keep people asleep. Plus christian nerds are christian, bible bashing. right wing tea party, woman hating, power hungry nerds and they are playing for keeps. Fifth century please bring it on. Witch and heretic  (ie hippy and greenie) burning, extreme misery and poverty for the masses and power for the rich few. 

What I predict is not enough will awaken and many of these will keep pretending to be asleep out of fear of persecution.  Or not being invited to Margeries and Dons tea party. Social ostrisisation is enough to keep some with their conformist nodding grin. 

So what to do? Start by being open to the idea that as much as the political struggle to reform society in time to bring in the needed changes is important, we need a plan B. We simply have no choice and I'm not prepared to hand over the future of our world, its wonderful wildlife and our children s future to greedy bastards inc and their christian freak brothers. Nor to the Margerie and Don types either. 

I'll give another hint. New Zealand looks real good and so do the Norse countries, Norway, Denmark, etc. The right number of aware people and a political class who are not fucken stupid. We can join and rebuild and heal the earth from there or at lease create sanctuaries for nature and ourselves and for future generations to be able to rebuild. How about we organise a progressive survivalist conference and do check out the costs to moving to these countries. Don't be caught when its too late in happy Jesus crappie clappie land still dominated by the happily asleep. Cos when it is beyond oviouse the rich will make it to expensive for you and your family to move to Norway or New Zealand. Plus there will be enough like minded people to make sure that the secret hand shake club do not control these countries. We EVEN MAY BE ABLE TO BRING THE RICH BASTERDS TO JUSTICE and be rid of their corrupting influence for ever. Now wouldn't that be a great legacy to leave our children. 

Eastern States Earth Fuckers

If you want a real guide to what a future Abbott federal government will look like. Feast your eyes on the festering shit, that the eastern states liberal party controlled state governments are. Earth fuckers extraordinaire. In Queensland, in the top end, over two million hectares of old growth and recovering wilderness have been opened up to logging, mining and grazing interests. Farmers have been given the go ahead to graze their cattle in Five national parks. Newman (premier of QLD) even made a promise before the state election not to do this kind of shit but he did. He even promised not to cut the public service now look what happened there. Will he, like Gillard who too went back on a promise and suffer electorally. To the point she lost her job to Rudd. I'm holding my breath. Victoria has effectively closed down the wind turbine industry with its questionable ban on any wind turbines needing to be at least two kilometers from any residence. There is even a policy in the right wing public policy (Both Abbott's, Gina's and Rupert's favorite think tank) institute to develop the Franklin dam.

Yet the cruncher of all is the proposal by the Queensland, Victorian and the New South Wales state governments, to opening up national parks to mining, housing and farming, logging and shooting an four wheel drive bashing. Fracking and so many other earth destroying proposals.

We all know the liberals have nearly always sided with industry against the greenies but these proposals take earth fucking to a brand new level. An the only ones standing in their way are the so called worse government ever, Federal Labor. Never before has a choice being so clear. Regardless of what you think of the carbon tax or Rudds ETS ( Both imperfect but a start in my books). Even if Abbott is not going to be as radical as those of us on the left fear. He is not going to stand in the way of these crazy right wing maverick state governments. Firstly because he belongs to the same party as them but mainly because they will get the blame and the fall out electorally due to the utter craziness of the proposals. I hope.

Clearly only a Federal Labor government will at least garentee that theses brain dead policies don't see the light of day. Already, due too these crazy state government proposals, Federal Labor is extending the power of the commonwealth to stop them.Yes I am a die in the wool greens/labor supporter. An my views have bias but fuck never before has the choice being so clear. If you hate the planet and don't give a fuck about nature and our kids future. Vote Abbott if not vote for labor and if you really want to be sure vote green fist then labor

I actually at this point feel sorry for Abbott. He so wants it. His precious. To be the Prime Minister of Australia.  Look at how many push ups he can do and wow he can ride a bike and swim. Have a chat to independent Tony Winser about his passion for the PM's Job. Something about being willing to sale his grandmother or something. You know till this point I had been resigning my self to the inevitable. Thinking that in at least the first term his government will not be that bad. Probably to the right of labor but not goose stepping right. We hope. The problem is probably not going to be Abbott but all those loose cannons behind him. Remember the Victorian proposal to privatise the ABC and SBS. Well they are the ones who floated the idea publicly not my side of politics.

Those  Eastern states brain dead's. Make even Collin Barnett, WA's Premier, look reasonable. Yes he fought tooth and nail for James Price Point gas hub and Roe 8 is an environmental disaster in the making but fuck even he is not so brazen and earth fucking mad to propose opening up national parks to mining, housing and farming, logging and shooting an four wheel drive bashing. Fracking and so many other earth destroying proposals. (Yes Fracking is going to be allowed but as far as I am aware not in national parks) What is the point of those parks but to keep certain crucial places free of such destructive activity.

Talk about turning back the clock. This isn't going back to the 50's this goes back to the early colonies time. Before we even federated and formed a nation. I'm talking pre 1890's. They are doing this probably to appease the deeply redneck shooters and fisher's party voters and the goose stepping one nation freaks. Sad isn't it the state of our current politics.

I  know now I need to stop Abbott and so do you. Please share this article to your friends. We have got to use what little power we have in the vote to put an end to this madness.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Australian Election Question

We are so close to our national election. Here are a few questions you should ask. 

Why hasn't Abbott released any real policies, other than turn back the boats and end the carbon tax, and why isn't the media picking up on this fact? 

Plus why is the Labor government seen by the rest of the world as being one of the most successful economically, with an AAA rating and so many of the Australian voting public see it as the, along with the right wing radio shock jocks, as the worse government ever? 

At a time when the rest of the world is truly suffering, we enjoy almost full employment. This is a sad state of affairs for Australian Democracy in this point of history. 

Please share this and comment.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Angry Old White Guys

(An example of some of the signs appearing at Tea Party rallies.)

It seems a whole lot of good old white guys and a few younger ones, are pissed that the repubtards are not officially in power in the White house but if they bothered to look. The Repubtards and their corporate (no environmental and ban labor law cunts) bosses are largely running the show.
They are planning a all gun carrying and loaded, million strong march on Washington called Open Carry Washington, on July the 4th. I kid you not. Moron March great name, describes them perfectly. Anyway this march, which has 900 signed up to all ready, is organised by a well known right wing nutter  Adam Kokesh. A libertarian radio host who ran for office with Ron Paul. Who openly last week called for the removal of government.

Adam Kokesh explains the march as, 

"We will march with rifles loaded and slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated and cower in submission to tyranny. We are marching to mark the high water mark of government and to turn the tide. This will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent."

You only have to read this plus the ridiculous right wing comment points left  in reponse to the The Young Turks (TYT) ,You Tube Video the " Million Moron March",  to see Fascism is coming to America and it isn't coming via the Democrats. Con-try to the gun nutter claims. Below is an example of two of the comments.

Daval Johnston "will die as a martyr before going any further tyrannical rule.this is our country we decide when we have had enough."

  • My reply to that comment was, "Enough of what? Week decentralized government. Which is both unwilling and unable to bring the likes of the Koch brothers and other corrupt corporate cunts to justice. For polluting the environment or undermining workers rights, to selling tainted products on the market, etc. Nor unable to prosecute those corrupt bankers for giving toxic lone's to people who could never repay. Thus setting up the biggest economic collapse in recent history. Or are you just upset the nigger is in the white house?

    (Look another Tea Partier brain farting in public.)

    Then there was this from Resisting 1 "switch to Alex Jones (an ultra conservative radio host) you freaks, you don,t have to watch TYT."

    This was countered by Ascadien," Gun nuts don't realize that we're not "taking away" their guns. We want to make it harder for bad guys to get them. You can still keep your guns and buy guns. Just make it harder for dangerous people with records to get them. Why can't they understand that?"

    There is hope yet for America. The point he makes is probably the root cause of this protest and other similar open gun carrying protests especially down south. Such as occurred in Virginia and Oregon (see the second top picture in this article). Recently the Obama administration tried to pass through the republican controlled congress some gun control measures which included a ban on assault weapons and criminal back ground checks for potential gun Byers. A measure that had the support of over 90% of Americans in general and 80% of registered republican voters. It just shows the power of the gun lobby over their puppets the repubtards.

    Yet this victory is obviously not enough for these tea party freaks. If this march goes ahead we could be in for a real show. This comment from Ronald Reagan will cause brain raptures for sure for some good old white folk.

    What Ronald in favor of gun control? Couldn't be. Na just another liberal socialist lie. Put out by the pro-liberal mainstream press. The same press which papers over the tar sands and fracking issues. That has always sided with the government, except may be during the Vietnam era, with what ever war they got involved in. I could go on. 

    As I said before these Tea Party blow hard's and there fellow traveler's the Dominionists (name for fundamentalist religious nutters trying to take over the Republican party) and the KKK are a real threat to Democracy in the USA. It could be the aims of the marchers are to create a violent incident with the Democrat government to usher in a civil war. With their side winning. You don't have to worry about the ethnic minorities, the college kids and the woman's vote then. Do you? It will be the good old boys and their religious freak pales who will be in charge then.

    Fuck democracy. Democracy is a liberal commie socialist fascist feminist nazie plot. 

    Angry Tea Bager

    "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in excess body fat & carrying a misspelled sign."

    This juicy quote from  daganium posted on A comments page in Crooks and Liars, blog on Sera Paulains "That Obama wants to return to the days before the civil war..." Is just too good to be missed. 

    Fuck 10 out of 10. Well done dananium.

    Yes Lady an cause ya can't spell ya can't stay

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Hey Zombie Brain

Hey Zombie Brain
Thinking is not a crime. 
You should try it some time.
Cos your asleep at the wheel 
on the road to no where Special
From Big Brother to Dancing with the Stars 
To Watching Pauline Bigot Hanson cooking with the school kids.
A Master Chef Special.
To that utterly stupid Splash
and all that other 
 TV brain killing Trash.

You are gonna be caught with your pants down
You clown.
Because come sea level rises
There will be many surprises 
Because ignorance and denial is the norm.
From googlie eyed Monckton and that lier Ian Plimer
Plus all the Koch and Oil industry funded denialist campaign.
You actually believe your anti intellectual ignorance is on par with 
the tested knowledge of Climate Scientists.

It is fashionable to be stupid.
Join the Herd because we are off to Murdoch and Gina wonderland.
Where the rich care more about the poor than those evil unionists do.
Where the unfetted market place will decide your wages.
Where you will end up in your cages 
of unpayable mortgages. 
With rent going through the roof.

Because come Abbott. 
You will be like that poor Rabbit.
Caught in an open field 
With Mr Fox slinking through the grass.
And those birds of prey
and your bosses.
Happy that you are going to make their day.

Oh if only 
I thought 
Before I passed my Vote.

Poem by Mr Pinco Nico

Now for an interesting quote.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” 

Isaac Asimov

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Labor 12 Billion in the Red

Labor 12 Billion in the Red. You can't ignore it. This is probably the death nell of the Gillard government. Up to that point it could be argued that Australia's AAA economy with its relativity low unemployment and generally stable economy was the envy of the world. The much aligned Mining and Carbon taxes, contry to claims, did not spell the death of businesses. The fact is these taxes have not resulted in to much tax burden for either the mining nor the energy sector but to little. Both a result of smart accounting and to many loop holes in both tax systems. The fall in the Europien carbon price didn't help either. This has contributed along with the higher Australian dollar to the surprise budget short fall.

Yes it can be argued that labor has spent to much but the that argument can be countered that in a time of world wide economic termil the economy needed a stimulus  Through the building program to schools and the pink pats program (Yes there were problems with it but it did largely achieve its aims) plus some others, Labor achieved it goal of stimulating the economy. To the envy of the rest of the world. Resulting in Australia's a AAA economic rating and an international award to treasurer Wane Swan. A robust mining sector, thanks to China's commodities demand, also helped.

Add in the 12 Billion budget shortfall news along with the fall out from the Craig Thomson affair. Along with the radio shock jocks and the largely Gina and Rupert controlled anti labor mainstream press. Plus a general dislike in the electorate to our first female prime minister (falling back on her pre-election promise not to bring in a Carbon tax did not help) and minus some miracle. It looks like Abbott and co will do a walk in.

Heaven fucken help us.

If you want to know what an Abbott government will look like read my article called "The Sheeples won't know what hit them." It makes an interesting but worrying read.

What Gives??????

 It is not that these politicians exist that is the problem. It is the fact that for them to win a seat enough fucktards exist in the electorate for them to do so. The mind boggles. At how stupid a significant number of people have become. 
What gives????

Texas has also banded the teaching of critical thinking in schools. Due to such thinking being a danger to christian beliefs. 

Many states in America especially southern ones have made it compulsory that creationism be taught along side evolutionary theory, in school science classes.

Kansus has passed a law banning bicycle paths because they are a socialist plot

The state of Missouri has ban on hobbit holes and sustainability in order to fight so called  UN agenda 21. Which the US is not a signitury too and is only a list of environmental proposals.

Enough about America what of the rest of the world?

In the recent Italian federal election. Despite all the controversy and obvious corruption surrounding him. Mr Bunga Bunga him self, Berlusconi, almost got re-elected into office. 

Mean will in Australia, which for the last five years has had five of its worse climatic disasters in recorded history. Is, come September, about to elect a Prime Minister who is on the public record of claiming man made climate change is "Crap".

What Gives???????????

Sunday, 28 April 2013

The Sheeples Won't Know What Hit Them

La la la Oh Tony is looking like he will just get a walk in with Labors support all the way down to  just 30 per cent. With the Murdoch and Gina Rinhart press and most of the mainstream media feeding the plebs with the notion that Gillard is the worst government ever. With 70 per cent seemingly believing them. Its looking like Tony will not only win the lower house but the upper house as well.

So what would a Tony Abbott government look like? People who follow Australian politics know Abbott to be definatly to the right of Malcolm Turnbal but also to the right of John Howard. Have a chat to Melcome Frazer who just claimed publicly that "Tony Abbott is the most dangerous politician. Possibly Australia's most dangerous yet." How far to the right will he be? He is a popularist and a attack dog. Ridiculing and opposing every thing the Gillard government put forward. Regardless how good or bad her policies were. Furthermore he seems to live in a policy vacumn. Is he going to be a classic no policy government. With no no no to every idea. We know that he plans to do a half harted job on the broad ban. With fiber optics finishing at the street and copper the rest of the way. Further he also promises to do away with the carbon tax. Seemingly replacing it with nothing. He is on the public record of claiming man made climate change to be "Crap". The problem is he does have plans and some very scary ones at that.

Ray Borradale (18/4/13) believes "Labor’s lousy performance is impossible to ignore but the true Liberal agenda will devastate this country – cut, cut, cut, sell, sell, sell and pass bills that forget the most fragile in the community and favor generous big business."

One Tony Abbot,along with the likes of  Gina Rinhart, Rupert Murdoc plus two darlings of the far right press Andrew Bolt and Janet Albrechtsn, attended a fundraising dinner of the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA). A rightwing think tank funded by mainly by the mining industry and long aligned with the Liberal Party. There the IPA reveled their 75 policy plans for a possible Abbott government. He claimed that his government  would implement 75% of them.

According to John Lord from his blog, Destroying Knowledge Tony Abbot Style. "Since perusing the Institute of Public Affairs 75 proposals for Tony Abbott to radically change the culture and political landscape of Australia ... Mainly because the ideas they represent reinforce my view that we no longer have a Liberal Party but a Neo Conservative Party deeply entrenched in the very worst values of the extreme right and serfdom."

Why would he say something as radical as that? The IPA plans include work choices under a new name, to sell off the ABC, to privatise SBS, to remove provisions that business are public with their  political donations, to remove all intensives for alternative power, to means test medicare, end compulsory voting and I could go on. See below this article for the full list of IPA policy proposals.

Crickie the sheepels won't know what hit them. What the liberal party and Abbott claim they will do to the boat people. They will do to the average Australian. How far Abbott will go is questionable. Yet the biggest hint is he is to the right of Howard and not as smart. Furthermore both Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoc are openingly supporting him. Along with Cardenal Pell they will want to collect after the election. May be a union busting version of the recently deceased Maggie Thatcher plus no more restrictions on press ownership is going to be in the works.

Jessy Jones left a great comment on the facebook page of B1

"I find this most disturbing. Abbott has been a violent man. There are arrogant, resentful nutters amongst his MPs & even on his front bench & fanatical extremists like Newman in power in the states. Abbott, in the footsteps of Howard, has introduced a new level of viciousness to Australian politics. There was Grahame Morris saying Julia Gillard should be kicked to death & Alan Jones suggesting JG & others should be dumped at sea (as happened in Argentina). Look how the LNP treated asylum seekers. I think a threat to cut someone's throat once they are in government is a chilling precedent which should be treated as a grave matter. In government how would s.o. like this staffer respond to troublesome political activists? Inter them? Use "special methods of questioning" on them? This is a new low."

Check out the IPA Policy list. It is trully frightening.

John Lord makes a good point " the Australian electorate is in such a political malaise that it is totally incapable of taking an informed view of what an alternative government might do if they had the power." With public apathy and deliberate almost pride filled ignorance of Australian politics, the norm in the electorate. There are going to be many who will regret voting liberal in the forth coming  federal election. Finding out the hard way that ignorance is not bliss.

We need to remind them. Please feel free to share this post. Talk to your friends. May be we can still save the day from the Gina and Rupert controlled press.

The Institute of Public Affairs

The Institute of Public Affairs is a free market right wing think tank that is funded by some of Australia’s major companies and is closely aligned to the Liberal Party. The 75 proposals were accompanied by an article titled Be like Gough: 75 radical ideas to transform Australia and attributed to John Roskam, Chris Berg and James Paterson.

Here is a short extract.

“If he wins government, Abbott faces a clear choice. He could simply overturn one or two symbolic Gillard-era policies like the carbon tax, and govern moderately. He would not offend any interest groups. In doing so, he’d probably secure a couple of terms in office for himself and the Liberal Party. But would this be a successful government? We don’t believe so. The remorseless drift to bigger government and less freedom would not halt, and it would resume with vigour when the Coalition eventually loses office. We hope he grasps the opportunity to fundamentally resh

1 Repeal the carbon tax, and don’t replace it. It will be one thing to remove the burden of the carbon tax from the Australian economy. But if it is just replaced by another costly scheme, most of the benefits will be undone.
2 Abolish the Department of Climate Change
3 Abolish the Clean Energy Fund
4 Repeal Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act
5 Abandon Australia’s bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council
6 Repeal the renewable energy target
7 Return income taxing powers to the states
8 Abolish the Commonwealth Grants Commission
9 Abolish the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
10 Withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol
11 Introduce fee competition to Australian universities
12 Repeal the National Curriculum
13 Introduce competing private secondary school curriculums
14 Abolish the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
15 Eliminate laws that require radio and television broadcasters to be ‘balanced’
16 Abolish television spectrum licensing and devolve spectrum management to the common law
17 End local content requirements for Australian television stations
18 Eliminate family tax benefits
19 Abandon the paid parental leave scheme
20 Means-test Medicare
21 End all corporate welfare and subsidies by closing the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
22 Introduce voluntary voting
23 End mandatory disclosures on political donations
24 End media blackout in final days of election campaigns
25 End public funding to political parties
26 Remove anti-dumping laws
27 Eliminate media ownership restrictions
28 Abolish the Foreign Investment Review Board
29 Eliminate the National Preventative Health Agency
30 Cease subsidising the car industry
31 Formalise a one-in, one-out approach to regulatory reduction
32 Rule out federal funding for 2018 Commonwealth Games
33 Deregulate the parallel importation of books
34 End preferences for Industry Super Funds in workplace relations laws
35 Legislate a cap on government spending and tax as a percentage of GDP
36 Legislate a balanced budget amendment which strictly limits the size of budget deficits and the period the federal government can be in deficit
37 Force government agencies to put all of their spending online in a searchable database
38 Repeal plain packaging for cigarettes and rule it out for all other products, including alcohol and fast food
39 Reintroduce voluntary student unionism at universities
40 Introduce a voucher scheme for secondary schools
41 Repeal the alcopops tax
42 Introduce a special economic zone in the north of Australia including:
a) Lower personal income tax for residents
b) Significantly expanded 457 Visa programs for workers
c) Encourage the construction of dams
43 Repeal the mining tax
44 Devolve environmental approvals for major projects to the states
45 Introduce a single rate of income tax with a generous tax-free threshold
46 Cut company tax to an internationally competitive rate of 25 per cent
47 Cease funding the Australia Network
48 Privatise Australia Post
49 Privatise Medibank
50 Break up the ABC and put out to tender each individual function
51 Privatise SBS
52 Reduce the size of the public service from current levels of more than 260,000 to at least the 2001 low of 212,784
53 Repeal the Fair Work Act
54 Allow individuals and employers to negotiate directly terms of employment that suit them
55 Encourage independent contracting by overturning new regulations designed to punish contractors
56 Abolish the Baby Bonus
57 Abolish the First Home Owners’ Grant
58 Allow the Northern Territory to become a state
59 Halve the size of the Coalition front bench from 32 to 16
60 Remove all remaining tariff and non-tariff barriers to international trade
61 Slash top public servant salaries to much lower international standards, like in the United States
62 End all public subsidies to sport and the arts
63 Privatise the Australian Institute of Sport
64 End all hidden protectionist measures, such as preferences for local manufacturers in government tendering
65 Abolish the Office for Film and Literature Classification
66 Rule out any government-supported or mandated internet censorship
67 Means test tertiary student loans
68 Allow people to opt out of superannuation in exchange for promising to forgo any government income support in retirement
69 Immediately halt construction of the National Broadband Network and privatise any sections that have already been built
70 End all government funded Nanny State advertising
71 Reject proposals for compulsory food and alcohol labelling
72 Privatise the CSIRO
73 Defund Harmony Day
74 Close the Office for Youth
75 Privatise the Snowy-Hydro Scheme

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

An interesting Point

Network ten's chief political editor on Tony Abbott:

"Yeah look. Let's cut to the chase here, this is all about demonising boat people. It's all about making a big problem even sound and look bigger.
 This whole idea that we have porous borders is rubbish.
 Of the people who arrived in Geraldton, where are they? Well two thirds of them are back in Sri Lanka.
 The fact of the matter is this is an exploitation of Australian xenophobia."
( Radio Nation Breakfast, 23 April 2013)"

We have a big problem of a significant number of traditional Labor voters being persuaded to vote against their interests because of their mindless fear and bigotry. The neo conservatives know this and are going to wolf whistle to racists for some time yet. The only solution I see to this evil is to persuade non racist actual liberal voters, because of the dangers of racism, to vote for either Labor or the Greens.

What do I mean about the dangers of racism. Other than the obvious injustice of an increase in hate based incidents against ethnic minorities in our country. As witnessed recently by the increase of racist incidents, as seen on you tube, on our public transport. In a climate created by Abbott and his hench men for political gain. We are gaining a very bad reputation for this around the world. For example a recent attack on a young French woman for daring to hum to her self some french song, by a pack of Aussie arseholes, made the news in France. Let alone the attacks on Indian students last year in Melbourne.  Among many other examples of Australian bigotry making the news over seas.

A few years ago a shipping yard in South Australia won a contract to build several friggets for Indonesia. A contract probably worth millions of dollars. Which for South Australia probably would have resulted in hundreds of jobs for Aussies. To the dismay of the shipping yard a French consortium stole the contract on the basis Australians are racist. How before long will this problem become  common place for Australian exporters?

Abbott and co are playing a dangerous game. In the short run wolf whistling to bigots will give the Liberals a political advantage over Labor but in the long run prove disastrous for Australia, as a whole. Furthermore how long will it take for Australia to regain its image as a fair go nation and not find its self discriminated against on the world stage?