Tuesday, 25 November 2014
ABC Fucked Up the Arse. How dare you be balanced.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Abbott on Fuel Price Rise
So that makes it ok then. Seems funny you exempt the mining industry from this rise in indexation. I wonder what you and your Murdoch media stooges would have said if Labor had done this?
What gets me is the silence of this issue on talk back radio. You should have heard the numpties fart over Labors bran new tax, ie carbon tax. Yet why all quiet on the western front concerning this tax which would effect Mr and Mrs ordinary far more.
What gets me is the silence of this issue on talk back radio. You should have heard the numpties fart over Labors bran new tax, ie carbon tax. Yet why all quiet on the western front concerning this tax which would effect Mr and Mrs ordinary far more.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Climate Change and the Comfortably Dumb
The Comfortably Dumb don't want to be woken. Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepard fame put up a post about the worlds first factor six storm, with winds way above 200 km an hour, with waves more than fifty feet high, heading to wards Fukushima Japan. You know the place with the worlds latest nuclear disaster. I read through the entire 250 comments. Other than my self and Captain Paul no mention of man made climate change was made. A lot commented about the evils of HARP. Many appealed for us to pray to God. Many others had some kind of weird new age dribble about the grand mother punishing Japan for the whale slaughter. The stupids dominate and they are driving us to extinction.
Good news about this storm it has lost a lot of its original fury and has being down graded but it is a warning. The point I'm making is too many people seem unable to face the truth of climate change and would rather believe anything but it is man made.
The majority of people, according to the polls, apparently do believe in man made climate change but will not vote as they apparently believe and will not change their relationship with the earth to reflect that belief. The mundane normalcy of conformity to our dead end system, still prevails. Due to dual powers of listening to the ramblings of the propaganda of our corporate media climate denialism and mindless popularism of commitment to the do nothing status quo. This is in spite the scientific and the earths many warnings such as the Typhoon above. The worlds first known factor six storm. Then when they do finally act. It will be to no avail and all too late. Then when the average person wakes up from their lulled into comfortable sleep. Mass panic could set in. There will be violence and the real troubles will start. Prepare my friends do not be caught sleeping when the inevitable it's all going to shit, hits.
Below is a link to a face book page dedicated for preparing for our collective future. Prepping for Exile.
Saturday, 11 October 2014
The Coming Domionist Threat
The Republican party is largely dominated by its tea tards and hard right Christians of the
Dominionist variety, especially in the southern states. Dominionist especially wish to set up a theocratic state in the US and then using US military might, the rest of the world. Quite a growing number of Americans know this but the majority are still under the thrall of mainstream media. Which has largely ignored this threat.
Combine southern voter suppression laws, with comfortable ignorance and voter fatigue with the two term Democrats and the mid term elections in the USA are looking to go the republican way but the deeply scary thing is this voting could be a precursor to the election to who sits in the white house as president in 2016.
This is especially possible because market analyzers are predicting yet another world wide market correction similar to the 2008 GFC before the end of Obama's term. Even with a well co-ordinated campaign against them. The reality of an extreme right Dominionist republican government coming to power in the USA, is even more assured. You can kiss the US doing anything about climate change good bye and world war three is a definite. You can also kiss woman's rights, protection of the environment, minority rights and workers rights goodbye. The Feudal reality of the dark ages will be upon us again.
Connect to the below link
Friday, 10 October 2014
The Death of Critical Thinking In America and Australia
Have you noticed the tactic of the right to sloganise ideas. To repeat talking points over and over add infinitum. This is designed to circumnavigate the public's critical thinking faculties. As Joseph Gobbles, Hitlers chief propagandist, said, "repeat a lie long enough and people will believe you". Further more there has being the growth of the bling and celebrity culture, at the expense of high brow quality media, in many western countries, including Australia and especially in America. Weather this is deliberate or purely media responding to what works in the public realm. Is arguable but I for one have given up watching dumb game shows, obnoxious rubbish like big brother and the puriel celebrity culture shows such as dancing with the stars. What it does do is create unthinking morons. Who uncritically accept government fear mongering such as the recent so called terror of Muslim extremists living in our midst. Worked a treat distracting the easily manipulated form the Hocking horror, kick the average aussie in the proverbial nuts, budget and gave the federal government a good bounce in the polls. Bang those war drums and wrap your self up in the flag boys, it works a treat fooling the plebs.
Then there is the education system. In the southern states of America especially. The replacement of official history with a conservative filtered one. Which down plays slavery and segregation plus removes all reference to civil disobedience, such as campaigns for the right to vote, the civil rights and anti war movements, etc. We have similar attempts in Australia with the appointment to the education board of history revisionists who seek to down play the effects of colonialism on the Australian natives, the Aborigines, especially the massacres that occurred, for our kids history education. In Texas they have actually banned the teaching of critical thinking because it leads to the kids questioning their parents religious beliefs. Then there is the replacement of the modern school curriculum and the text books. With wakie teaching the world is only 6000 years old, creationism as uposed to evolution and the deliberate targeting of school boards by mindless conservative Christians All this largely funded by the Koch brothers. The list goes on.
It is quite clear that certain invested interests of a corporate nature seek to create a mass subclass of people smart enough to operate the machine but not smart enough to challenge it. Kids in the southern states are being taught the importance to non questioning submission to authority, civil obedience and the supremacy and sacredness of the market system. We need to keep an eye on Abbott and Co concerning our education system here in Australia. Interesting enough Abbott has bowed to the pressure of hard right christian lobbyists in Australia and made it compulsory that secular psychologists and councilors no longer be employed in our state schools. Their function for our kids is to be replaced by Christian chaplains. I wonder why?
Sunday, 28 September 2014
ABC Lateline is to be replaced with unhinged paranoid right wing journalism
So our wonderful always professional journalistic ABC Lateline is to be replaced with the kind of unhinged paranoid right wing fuck stick journalism as exemplified by the likes of Andrew Bolt (see Bolts article below). Why do I think we will see no future Fitzgerald inquiries into corruption but instead we will be worried about the suitability of Labor to hold office on the basis of Gillards large bum? Or the fact that at the age of nine, Shortin farted on the school bus and Scott Ludlem of the greens once had long hair as a student.
You can be assured there will be critical journalism of the Abbott government because lets face it the sun shines out of his arse and he is perfect an its Labors fault. An don't forget those evil Greens.
Like this example, "The ABC is not just unbalanced. It is now a public safety hazard".An article by Andrew Bolt of the Bolt Report Fame.
BLA BLA BLA and so on.
Do you know I searched the internet to get a less than warm picture of our rights favorite hate monger out side of Allen Jones and I couldn't find one. None were to be found???? Wonder why? Yes I did finally. It is a picture of Bolt in an article which Bolt tells the interviewer Gary Jones of ABC fame, "That Indigenous Australians were not here first" and his explanation on twitter because of the public uproar, "because history does not exist and we shouldn't worry about it". No wonder he hates the ABC.
Abbott and Co would love him. The brilliance of his kind of journalism for their kind of government is unbelievable. On Ya Boltie. Keep them coming. I so feel relieved that this kind of journalism is to replace the lefty rubbish that is the ABC. Yes they were critical of Labor and the greens but to be also critical of the "Our farts do not stink you commie bastard Tory tosser Liberal Party. Tis the height of bias.
ABC Stars Unite to save late line- see below link. The federal government is axing the funding of this program. Budget cuts we gotta have those budget cuts but we can afford to spend 150 million in sending SAS troops of the latest US fuck up in the middle east. (Yes IS is bad but look at the history. This will be yet another article.) I feel so warm and cuddly right now with the likes of Jones and Bolt at our journalistic helm. Arrgh our democracy is so safe. Apparently if you never report Abbott doing any wrong it means when he is, it doesn't exist, just like history. We shouldn't worry about that now should we. You commie greenie tree hugging bastards.
You can be assured there will be critical journalism of the Abbott government because lets face it the sun shines out of his arse and he is perfect an its Labors fault. An don't forget those evil Greens.
Like this example, "The ABC is not just unbalanced. It is now a public safety hazard".An article by Andrew Bolt of the Bolt Report Fame.
The ABC is not just unbThe ABC is not just unbalanced. It is now a public safety hazardalanced. It is now a public safety hazard
BLA BLA BLA and so on.
Do you know I searched the internet to get a less than warm picture of our rights favorite hate monger out side of Allen Jones and I couldn't find one. None were to be found???? Wonder why? Yes I did finally. It is a picture of Bolt in an article which Bolt tells the interviewer Gary Jones of ABC fame, "That Indigenous Australians were not here first" and his explanation on twitter because of the public uproar, "because history does not exist and we shouldn't worry about it". No wonder he hates the ABC.
Abbott and Co would love him. The brilliance of his kind of journalism for their kind of government is unbelievable. On Ya Boltie. Keep them coming. I so feel relieved that this kind of journalism is to replace the lefty rubbish that is the ABC. Yes they were critical of Labor and the greens but to be also critical of the "Our farts do not stink you commie bastard Tory tosser Liberal Party. Tis the height of bias.
ABC Stars Unite to save late line- see below link. The federal government is axing the funding of this program. Budget cuts we gotta have those budget cuts but we can afford to spend 150 million in sending SAS troops of the latest US fuck up in the middle east. (Yes IS is bad but look at the history. This will be yet another article.) I feel so warm and cuddly right now with the likes of Jones and Bolt at our journalistic helm. Arrgh our democracy is so safe. Apparently if you never report Abbott doing any wrong it means when he is, it doesn't exist, just like history. We shouldn't worry about that now should we. You commie greenie tree hugging bastards.
Saturday, 27 September 2014
The Loss of True Journalism and the Death of Democracy.
The loss of true journalism and the replacement of it by info entertainment and right biased propaganda was the start of the death of our democracy. An example of this is the beat up of Muslim terror currently occurring in our mainstream media. This has resulted in Abbott being able to reduce our freedoms but he and his government have being able to do untold damage to Australia's social sphere by putting medicare and vetrons affairs out to private tender. The addition to these important public care bodies of the profit motive, with the obvious result of these services becoming unafordable, to a significant number of Aussies, especially the most vulnerable, deserves much public attention. In stead we have angry mobs out side a Queensland mosque calling for Muslims to get out. Where if the media did its job as it is supposed to do in a modern democracy. We would have angry mobs out side the federal parliament in Canberra calling for Abbott and co to get out. We certainly would not be seeing a jump in poll support for this ugly right government.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Why are so many True Blue Aussies falling for Abbotts Lies?
A public forum point
Whats got me fucked is how many true blue Aussies are falling for it
4 hrs · Like
The problem I have countered with some of the people I know is many Aussies seek to belong and believe what they think their piers believe. Science be damned. Especially those from conservative backgrounds such as country folk. Thus if a fact gets in the way of an opinion,especially a group one, the fact is jettisoned. Another issue is give me convenience or give me death redneck zombie voter wonderland. An tell us what we want to hear not what we need to hear fluffy bunny middle class land.
There are the short attention spanners. Oh Marjorie I'm so angry oh look at that cute kitten. Then there are the bigots who will vote for any wolf whistling hate monger. Not just against refugees and Muslims but single mums, the unemployed, aborigines, uni students, lefties,greenies and whatever is the latest fashionable whipping boy. Why do you think the libs current favorite propaganda is the often pushed line of "the end of entitlement. " I long for the days of the cynical occar types who could smell right wing bullshit a mile away.
Furthermore there is also the issue that in some circles any discussion on politics is actively rejected. People are socialised to be ignorant and proud of it. If I don't know about it the problem doesn't exist.
Another emerging problem are the new agers who actively think that if they don't believe something is happening then it isn't. My thoughts create my reality, bla bla, etc.
The very special Unicorn Farting Rainbows
Then you have the habitual voters my parents voted this way so am I. Now you have the Abbott fear mongering over Muslim terrorism. The list goes on.
But the good news is he and his government are still behind in the polls, including the conservative biased ones. Many Aussies remember Howards wolf whistling games and I am proud to say see through the bull shit.
Whats got me fucked is how many true blue Aussies are falling for it
4 hrs · Like
The problem I have countered with some of the people I know is many Aussies seek to belong and believe what they think their piers believe. Science be damned. Especially those from conservative backgrounds such as country folk. Thus if a fact gets in the way of an opinion,especially a group one, the fact is jettisoned. Another issue is give me convenience or give me death redneck zombie voter wonderland. An tell us what we want to hear not what we need to hear fluffy bunny middle class land.
There are the short attention spanners. Oh Marjorie I'm so angry oh look at that cute kitten. Then there are the bigots who will vote for any wolf whistling hate monger. Not just against refugees and Muslims but single mums, the unemployed, aborigines, uni students, lefties,greenies and whatever is the latest fashionable whipping boy. Why do you think the libs current favorite propaganda is the often pushed line of "the end of entitlement. " I long for the days of the cynical occar types who could smell right wing bullshit a mile away.
Furthermore there is also the issue that in some circles any discussion on politics is actively rejected. People are socialised to be ignorant and proud of it. If I don't know about it the problem doesn't exist.
Another emerging problem are the new agers who actively think that if they don't believe something is happening then it isn't. My thoughts create my reality, bla bla, etc.
The very special Unicorn Farting Rainbows
Then you have the habitual voters my parents voted this way so am I. Now you have the Abbott fear mongering over Muslim terrorism. The list goes on.
But the good news is he and his government are still behind in the polls, including the conservative biased ones. Many Aussies remember Howards wolf whistling games and I am proud to say see through the bull shit.
Terrosim Australia Abbotts Gain
I wonder why? 800 cops to arrest 15 Muslims, One only charged with a terrorist offence. Big media blitz with the head line planned terrorist attack with public beheading. Cops tell 7.30 report and court no such evidence for such a plan exists. The whole thing is starting to smell of a right wing beat up to turn the polls around. An look what he and his government succeed to do at the same time. Further restrict our freedoms, police given power to search with out warrant, etc. Medicare and vetrens affairs put out to private tender with out so much as a peep from mainstream media. Australia he lied to get into power and he will lie to remain in power will he gleefully serves his corporate masters. As for the cops and Asio keep the good work up, pity how your work is used for political gain.
Here are the links
Friday, 15 August 2014
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
The Evil Social Gadfly
It creeped out of the shadows, blinked a few times and left it's stain upon the internet. Evil oozed out of it's skin. More terrifying than a plotting muslim terrorist. More darker than a pedofile. More left wing than a communist and more radical than a socialist and a liberal. Progressives they wanna make ya vomit. But...
The unwanted views of the social gadfly were there for all to see.
One would prefer to live in a pretend bubble safely believing truth equates with what you want to believe but for one second before the mind of good gentle polite people, who went about their daily business without complaint, closed it down.
Doubt crept in. Is climate change real and the scientists are right, no dismiss this. Could the removal of unemployment benefits be counter productive, no this is left wing lies. Is the allowing logging, grazing, fracking and other similar activities in national parks actually remove the point of those parks in the first place. No this is greenie propaganda.
Uncomfortable truths are never welcome.
But our kids will know and they won't need a awkward social gadfly to tell them. The truth will be in their faces.
Much sooner than expected.
The unwanted views of the social gadfly were there for all to see.
One would prefer to live in a pretend bubble safely believing truth equates with what you want to believe but for one second before the mind of good gentle polite people, who went about their daily business without complaint, closed it down.
Doubt crept in. Is climate change real and the scientists are right, no dismiss this. Could the removal of unemployment benefits be counter productive, no this is left wing lies. Is the allowing logging, grazing, fracking and other similar activities in national parks actually remove the point of those parks in the first place. No this is greenie propaganda.
Uncomfortable truths are never welcome.
But our kids will know and they won't need a awkward social gadfly to tell them. The truth will be in their faces.
Much sooner than expected.
Much much sooner. In fact they are already here.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Australia's F-35 Jets are they to be grounded as in the US?
Um folks this is the same type of jet that Abbott purchased for 12 billion. Something about a budget crisis where we refuse to give the under thirty somethings unemployment benefits for six months and we increase the pension age to 70 and reduce seniors health benefits. Sell off big parts of the ABC and reduce considerably the budget of the CSIRO. Will our Airforce follow suite and ground all 58 of these plans that we purchased? Will that whole 12 billion go up in a puff of smoke? Stay tuned folks Captain underpants Abbott and Robert Poo Bear Murdoc will come to the resque yet. Apparently according to a US envoy the same Rupert rescued us from Whitlam, in 1975. Murdoc has being playing us mugs for some time.
Below are the links
And the F-35
Congress refuses to provide unemployment benefits for 300,000 veterans while they waste $400 billion on the F-35 jet which caught fire on a Florida runway this week, prompting the Air Force to ground the entire fleet.
Friday, 27 June 2014
For Fucks Sake Zombies Abbott and Co are Cunts
Hey deep set din dumbs. How is you electricity bill going? Climate change is it real? Well if you wanna believe what you wanna regardless what our scientists say. All will be cool if it was just you who will be fucked up the arse because of your position but the rest of us will be too.
Hey celebrate with our liberal party dickheads as much as you want but please don't be surprised as your coastal property investment ends up under the waves sooner than our actual conservative climate scientist's predicted because the western antarctic ice sheet, greenland and arctic are melting faster than the scientists predicted.
Hey the Planet is Dead and our Rich buddies will be pleased
Hey celebrate with our liberal party dickheads as much as you want but please don't be surprised as your coastal property investment ends up under the waves sooner than our actual conservative climate scientist's predicted because the western antarctic ice sheet, greenland and arctic are melting faster than the scientists predicted.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
The liberal party is no longer conservative it is far right libertarian
Extreme Ann Randism. The Liberals are not a conservative party they are increasingly becoming radical right libertarians. More at home with the likes of the American Koch brothers and Ron Paul. Essentially remove all social support, minimum wage laws, work place safety and other social and environmental laws that stand in the way of unfettered capitalist greed and privatise everything. What saddens me most are all the my dear leader phicophanitc rusted on Liberal supporters who refuse to see what is happening. And bye the bullshit, ie aussies work for one month over time to support social security. A BIG FAT LIE.

If you want the source for this read.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/.../story-fnmbxr2t...

If you want the source for this read.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/.../story-fnmbxr2t...

A SWATH of cuts to aged care over the next decade is expected to deliver more than $2.5 billion in savings.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
A Vote for Abbott is a Vote for an utter Bunny
The first six months of the Abbott government is a taste to what is to come. The death knell for me was Abbott's speech to the foresters claiming only they are the true conservationists and that we have to many national parks. Including his comment to open up those same parks to logging. He and his fellow travelers are extremists (discount Malcolm Turnbull in this). We need a senate that is a house of true review even more so now, than ever before. So please consider your vote with care.
Bigot Australia Abbotts New Power Game
I'm actually disgusted. This is a new low. Abbott and Co may start to play the racist baiting game. To win over even more of the working class traditional Labor voters. The Australian Tea Party site if full of ridiculous fear over the Muslims trying to implement sharia law in Australia. As if 1.5% of the population has any kind of real power over the other 98.5%. At the same time Abbott and co have watered down the 457 visa laws making it easier for employers to bring in cheaper overseas labor.
On that level it's actually very funny. The very government who on one hand wolf whistles to the bigots is actually the government making it easier for third world labourers to compete with union award good old aussie battlers.
A scene from the Sydney Canola riots
You watch the distraction game EVIL MUSLIMS, END MULTICULTURALISM, ASSIMILATION IS THE ANSWER. Andrew Bolt , the Australia and all the other usual suspects media suspects will bleat hand in hand with the Aussie Tea Partiers to promote racial unrest. Will through the back door the likes of China can even by up even more of our precious agricultural land and filipino laborers can crowd in some outer suburban house working for as little as $5 an hour. With their Aussie employers even taking out their rent from their pay.
This current conservative federal government is the most hateful and the worse in Australia's history. We as a nation are going to suffer big time. Of course when the working class finally wakes up to the coalitions game. Just watch, gerrymandered seats favoring the liberals, voter suppression laws targeting traditional labor and green voters and voter ID laws that make it compulsory for you to have in order to vote. You can bet just as in the Republican controlled states in the USA have done the above, those Voter ID cards will be very expensive.
For those in the know. Have you wondered why in America, even when Democrats are popular that the Republicans seem to always catch the lower house. In republican controlled states with all of the above at work. Democrats need to capture over 75% of the vote in order to win in a republican controlled area. Why do you thing Fox News and the Republican party is so extreme and mad. They want to capture the extreme right vote.
You watch this is what probably will happen in Australia. We are going to be in for a very ruff ride. Abbott is already dismantling our social welfare system. At a time our mining industry is slowing down and our manufacturing industry is disappearing. To get this kind of conservative/facists out could take a real full on struggle.
PS: To those concerned about Muslim Sharia Law take a look at the growing influence of the Australian Christian Right.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
A new NASA study confirms that industrial civilization is heading for ecological collapse. This is due not only to an over reaching climatic collapse, peak everything but also to a fascist future of the haves and the have nots. Scientists keep reminding us of the coming cataclysm of runaway greenhouse warming of the planet. Yet we continue to poo poo this because our little Justin Beiber is a star minds refuse to believe them. Thus our tendency to vote in super climate skeptics because they tell us what we want to hear. That science is good when it helps us to cook our food better and have better sex yet it is conveniently bad when we and our capitalist employers want it to be.
It is very obvious we can't turn the juggernaut of convenient ignorance, me first and rampant greed around, in time to avoid the obvious outcome. The power of the oil and coal industries lobbying, along with the Koch brothers, Rupert Murdoch and the Gina Rinehart's and their denialist propaganda campaigns. Plus the populist loonie Tea Party movements with many other cultural, religious and status quo reasons, such as the power of wilful stupidity and ignorance in the num nuts comfortable majority, means we who want change the suicidal direction our world society is heading is being headed off at every turn. Yes there has been success stories such as Germany. But our failures far out reach our success.
We in the ecological movement need to start working towards a plan B. A kind of modern Noah's Ark approach. Yes continue on our activist approach but also start preparing for a future reality of runaway climate change, dead acidified seas and no forests. Norway's seed bank underground vault is a start. Green activists and their scientific brethren, need to try factoring in the worse case scenario and develop plans and actions on how we can rebuild the world. With what's left after the collapse.
Yet I hear you saying if we wait too long the ability to stop the natural negative feedback loops from happening are all but zero. To those who do not know what a natural negative feedback is. Here are two examples. As sea ice melts around the polar ice caps and greenland. The darker open waters are exposed. The lighter coloured ice reflects back sunlight having a positive feedback in making the local area cooler. The darker waters have the opposite effect by absorbing the heat and thus creating a localised negative feedback. Which drives the process of sea ice melt even further.
No need to panic. Example number two is methane stored in the siberian permafrost underneath the sub arctic tundra. Methane has twenty times more potency as a greenhouse gas than Co2. Umm starting to get nervous but not running just yet (But man is that serious fart power or what). This methane is starting to bubble to the surface because the permafrost is melting. Thanks to a warming planet. Will the rest of the world has only warmed by just under one degree since the beginning of the industrial revolution. The arctic regions have warmed by over 9 degrees. Are you panicking now. Now get this, for utter fucks sake, the amount of methane in the siberian tundra is over twice that the entire co2 released into the atmosphere for the entire time of the industrial revolution. If we add this to the known, eg under sea cataract ice which is also melting and contains even more methane (the seas are absorbing more of the warming than the atmosphere- hence the atmosphere has not warmed as much as the scientific climate models predicted - much to the utter joy of the skeptics) other negative feedbacks unknown and known, then we are megga fucked up the areshol. We cant run because we have no where to run too. The result is cataclysmic world wide. As for keeping the planet under an average of 2 degrees warming, for get it. Try 7, try 10 and even try over fucen 30 degrees.
I am no longer calling for plan B try plan C. Deep, deep, deep underground or a satellite city, plan D, hidden in orion's belt, beyond the reach of both the illuminati and their christian fucktard dominionist brethren. A zoo and a city of greenies. I can't see any other way. We will probably have to find another planet because our mother earth will take millions of years to heal. As for the reemergence of life. That will take billions of years or more.
By 2048 our seas will cease to support life, Acidification. Currently and for millions of years 80% of our oxygen came from a group of shell like blue green ague diatrons which live in the top three meters of our world's oceans. As the oceans absorb increasing amounts of Co2 they become more acidic. Resulting in the death of those diatrons. As this process continues by 2048 or even maybe before we will lose 80% of our oxygen supply. Recently in Alaska due to prevailing conditions, resulting in increased localised acidification America lost one of its largest scallop industries, tens of millions of scallops died due to calcium being leached from their shells. In the caribbean currently the lobster industry is suffering because the lobsters and other crustaceans have lost 30% of their shell casings.
We are running out of time. I want to thank a neighbor for a recent lesson. I was utterly stunned. He knew absolutely nothing about the greenhouse effect nor about politics in general and was quite comfortable about that. I sensed he dismissed my worth even as a human being because I apparently am an unemployable pot head. The fact that, other than the occasional party joint, I don't smoke it, was aside the point. He knew that but on discovering I didn't hate refugees proceeded to show me a full on racist email.
Do you ever get the sense that we are wasting our time. To those who truly care. We need to save something. I along with many of you have gone to protest after protest. Handed out how to vote cards for both the greens and labor. Done a lot for the activist community. Being bashed, threatened, vilified and rejected because of our desire to help humanity and indeed all life.
We need to leave, save as many of the little ones as we can. Its time to go. Richard Branson and similar good entranpors, the Norwegian and New Zealand political elites along with maybe South Africa and other mostly european countries are awakening. We need to join them. In fact Branson is exploring the mining of gold in Orion's belt, between Mars and Earth. The gold there is three times the proof of any gold found on earth.
I see a satellite city full of greenies larphing with our fellow creatures as the illuminati, bush family and their dominionist brethren try desperately not to be homosexual and not mastibate because Gods wrath in the form of tornadoes, earthquakes and sea level rises. Will the Koch brothers and co, try to keep a stiff upper lip as their empires crumble into the sea. Will the happy or not so happy dumbs blissfully wonder through their redneck theme parks looking at the plastic dinosaurs and rubber like trees. In what little time they have off in their pittance paying jobs. But at least they can live in a nice whites only suburb.
Time to say good bye and organise plan D.
A new NASA study confirms that industrial civilization is heading for ecological collapse. This is due not only to an over reaching climatic collapse, peak everything but also to a fascist future of the haves and the have nots. Scientists keep reminding us of the coming cataclysm of runaway greenhouse warming of the planet. Yet we continue to poo poo this because our little Justin Beiber is a star minds refuse to believe them. Thus our tendency to vote in super climate skeptics because they tell us what we want to hear. That science is good when it helps us to cook our food better and have better sex yet it is conveniently bad when we and our capitalist employers want it to be.
It is very obvious we can't turn the juggernaut of convenient ignorance, me first and rampant greed around, in time to avoid the obvious outcome. The power of the oil and coal industries lobbying, along with the Koch brothers, Rupert Murdoch and the Gina Rinehart's and their denialist propaganda campaigns. Plus the populist loonie Tea Party movements with many other cultural, religious and status quo reasons, such as the power of wilful stupidity and ignorance in the num nuts comfortable majority, means we who want change the suicidal direction our world society is heading is being headed off at every turn. Yes there has been success stories such as Germany. But our failures far out reach our success.
We in the ecological movement need to start working towards a plan B. A kind of modern Noah's Ark approach. Yes continue on our activist approach but also start preparing for a future reality of runaway climate change, dead acidified seas and no forests. Norway's seed bank underground vault is a start. Green activists and their scientific brethren, need to try factoring in the worse case scenario and develop plans and actions on how we can rebuild the world. With what's left after the collapse.
Yet I hear you saying if we wait too long the ability to stop the natural negative feedback loops from happening are all but zero. To those who do not know what a natural negative feedback is. Here are two examples. As sea ice melts around the polar ice caps and greenland. The darker open waters are exposed. The lighter coloured ice reflects back sunlight having a positive feedback in making the local area cooler. The darker waters have the opposite effect by absorbing the heat and thus creating a localised negative feedback. Which drives the process of sea ice melt even further.
This is a picture of the actual north pole. In the last couple of years it has become a lake. Where one did not exist before. The tin foil hat brigade beleive its the evil Americans and their to secret harp project, not excessive industrial co2, is responsible. Apparently the yanks are after the jihadist penguin muslim brotherhood. Who are hiding there along with the fairy penguin aliens and the commie pinko branch of the arrisen dolphin marsters. Because according to a certain element in the new age movement they had being happily living with the right wing libertarian arisen dolphin marsters, Mother Mary and Quonlin in a secret star chamber beneath lake Tickie Farter in South America. When they actually bothered to read the new testament and discovered Jesus was not pro capitalism and greed but the very opposite. Thus becoming anti establishment pinko's who had to be expelled. Well they had to find some lake they could go as in the star chambers under other lakes, world wide, existed other arisen masters, such as the arrisen vegan snails, the arrisen, proud to be smelly, fleas and some small lake in Perth had the arrisen human bunghole fleas. Being a relatively new lake it was perfect.
I am no longer calling for plan B try plan C. Deep, deep, deep underground or a satellite city, plan D, hidden in orion's belt, beyond the reach of both the illuminati and their christian fucktard dominionist brethren. A zoo and a city of greenies. I can't see any other way. We will probably have to find another planet because our mother earth will take millions of years to heal. As for the reemergence of life. That will take billions of years or more.
By 2048 our seas will cease to support life, Acidification. Currently and for millions of years 80% of our oxygen came from a group of shell like blue green ague diatrons which live in the top three meters of our world's oceans. As the oceans absorb increasing amounts of Co2 they become more acidic. Resulting in the death of those diatrons. As this process continues by 2048 or even maybe before we will lose 80% of our oxygen supply. Recently in Alaska due to prevailing conditions, resulting in increased localised acidification America lost one of its largest scallop industries, tens of millions of scallops died due to calcium being leached from their shells. In the caribbean currently the lobster industry is suffering because the lobsters and other crustaceans have lost 30% of their shell casings.
We are running out of time. I want to thank a neighbor for a recent lesson. I was utterly stunned. He knew absolutely nothing about the greenhouse effect nor about politics in general and was quite comfortable about that. I sensed he dismissed my worth even as a human being because I apparently am an unemployable pot head. The fact that, other than the occasional party joint, I don't smoke it, was aside the point. He knew that but on discovering I didn't hate refugees proceeded to show me a full on racist email.
Do you ever get the sense that we are wasting our time. To those who truly care. We need to save something. I along with many of you have gone to protest after protest. Handed out how to vote cards for both the greens and labor. Done a lot for the activist community. Being bashed, threatened, vilified and rejected because of our desire to help humanity and indeed all life.
We need to leave, save as many of the little ones as we can. Its time to go. Richard Branson and similar good entranpors, the Norwegian and New Zealand political elites along with maybe South Africa and other mostly european countries are awakening. We need to join them. In fact Branson is exploring the mining of gold in Orion's belt, between Mars and Earth. The gold there is three times the proof of any gold found on earth.
I see a satellite city full of greenies larphing with our fellow creatures as the illuminati, bush family and their dominionist brethren try desperately not to be homosexual and not mastibate because Gods wrath in the form of tornadoes, earthquakes and sea level rises. Will the Koch brothers and co, try to keep a stiff upper lip as their empires crumble into the sea. Will the happy or not so happy dumbs blissfully wonder through their redneck theme parks looking at the plastic dinosaurs and rubber like trees. In what little time they have off in their pittance paying jobs. But at least they can live in a nice whites only suburb.
Time to say good bye and organise plan D.
Friday, 14 March 2014
Loonie Republicans soon to a government near you.
Some loosers voted for this twat. There lays the problem.
A democracy is only good as it's people
Ignorance is not bliss. So shall we in the west shall very much learn.
So the loonie right GOPers (Republicans) are at it again?
Disenfranchising the poor from the vote, ie expensive voter ID's. Making guns easily available to nutters (No ID nor background check required). Running a permanent hate campaign to the most important piece of health care reform in recent American history. Blocking supply thus closing down the government and blocking any government appointments by the Obama administration. Then turning around and blaming Obama for closing down the government and calling him a dictator because he implements executive orders in order to bypass the most negative obstructive congress in America's history. I shudder to think what would happen to the world let alone America if they get the white house.
I recently read an article about how easily the republicans won a recent federal by-election in Florida. The comments section of this article was full of "Well sucked in to the liberals (Democrats), The liberals (Democrats for my Aussie friends) can't keep their hand out of our pockets, etc" Not one comment on the utter lunacy of the GOP. Sorry to rant but what the fuck does it take to wake these fucken dickheads up. You have Putin on one hand being a fucken right wing cunt. Now the world could be, in 2016, to have the most military largest nation taken over by a loonie bunch of Christian Taliban hell bent in turning the world to their stupid version of Jesus. Please wiki pedia dominionism. These losers are on the public record of not only denying the science of climate change but blaming it on GOD punishing us for masturbating and for the US and other countries decriminalising homosexuality. As for the legalisation of gay marriage. Well their version of God has some special punishments coming our way.
Now lets repeat and get the whole picture. A Russian expansionist demagogue, Climate change, peak fisheries, etc and a western democratic voting population with the inbuilt stupidity to the put the likes of Serra Pauline, Michelle Buckman, Tony Abbott (Aus) and ultimately the Dominionists via the Tea Party controlled Republican party in power.
(Bla Bla Bla Obama's Fault)
Serra Paulein
The problem of voter stupidity is not limited to the southern states of America. In the western democracies particular diseases have taken hold. Apathy, general disinterest in politics and being too much in the comfort zone. This has being brought about by a largely corpratised media which has promoted entertainment news over the real thing. General lack of real suffering as experienced by the general population in the second world war and the great depression. Though this is changing especially for those in Europe and the US. People have forgotten what is was like before the trade unions became active thus support for the Labor side politics has dropped. The effective use of fear of foreigners, greenies taking our jobs, corrupt unions (as if the corporate world smells of roses in comparison), etc by the right.
Plus a relatively new tactic by the right, that when in opposition being overly negative and obstructiveness to the incumbent government. With an over the top zeal and craziness unseen before in politics (ie, Tony Abbott, Michelle Buckman, Ted Cruz, etc). With a mainstream media trying to appear impartial and balanced between the claims of utter nut fuck and someone more ordinary. Or in Murdoch's case being utterly biased in favour of the right. Add to this the tendency for people to grow tired of one side of politics and give the other side a go. All this has conspired to make a significant proportion of the voting population to not truly look closely at who they are voting for and actually voting against their interests. Thus essentially voting in wolves in sheeps clothing.
Thus in my country Australia. Who would be deeply surprised if we see Abbott after banning protesting, even bringing national service, total logging of all Australia's national parks, privatising the ABC and the SBS, removing all social security, etc easily winning the next federal election. All this happening no matter how bad the employment situation is and climate disasters ravening the country and indeed the world.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Tony Abbott eyes off the ABC
"The row over the ABC ignited yesterday when Mr Abbott accused the corporation of being on everybody's side "except Australia's".
Asked whether it was the ABC's role to be patriotic, Mr Laundy said it was the ABC's role to be impartial.
Victorian Liberal Sharman Stone said the charge that the ABC was "un-Australian" had not been her experience." a The above is a quote from the article "Coalition MP's feud over the treatment of the ABC.
Beware the tag unaustralian. This appeal has the hall marks of the classic tactic of far right politicians appeal to patriotism in order to justify the closing down of genuinely critical reporting rather than the bum kissing of media puppets such as those usual suspects in the commercial media. Thank goodness some sense of priority still exists in the liberal party. We are though need to keep the pressure up on Abbott.
There is a protest march against Abbott planed in March. I for one am going.
Asked whether it was the ABC's role to be patriotic, Mr Laundy said it was the ABC's role to be impartial.
Victorian Liberal Sharman Stone said the charge that the ABC was "un-Australian" had not been her experience." a The above is a quote from the article "Coalition MP's feud over the treatment of the ABC.
Beware the tag unaustralian. This appeal has the hall marks of the classic tactic of far right politicians appeal to patriotism in order to justify the closing down of genuinely critical reporting rather than the bum kissing of media puppets such as those usual suspects in the commercial media. Thank goodness some sense of priority still exists in the liberal party. We are though need to keep the pressure up on Abbott.
There is a protest march against Abbott planed in March. I for one am going.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Love it or Leave
Love it or Leave.
I wonder what that means. Could it mean simply a statement of love for ones country and a desire for a healthy sense of nationalism. And if you don't have that love of your nation and are not nationalistic you should leave. I can see the merit of such an argument but I can also see the danger. The danger that this kind of sentiment could be used to silence genuine criticism of current dangerous trends in the Australian culture and politics.
"Your unaustralian get out"
Such as: Does it mean you can not stay if you have a problem with a significant number of Australia's population current obsession of hating refugee's, ie namely boat people. That obnoxious uncritical mindless and at times violent nationalism should remain unchallenged, ie the Cornalla riots in Sydney. That to do so is to be labeled unaustralian and silenced or simply ignored with your point of view unheard and thus unheeded. So to inadvertently pave the say for right wing extremism in the body politic.That it is ok to hide behind the flag to promote hatred towards migrants and indigenous Australians for political gain and power. To be used as a tool by unscrupulous sections of the business, media and political class to manipulate less educated sections of our country to be distracted from seeing the abuse of the 457 visa program, to reintroduce the Howard era's work choices legislation and disinpower the union and workers rights movement's.
Could it be too used to silence genuine criticism towards the current approach of both our conservative controlled federal and state governments mindless anti environmentalism and pro development and head in the sand approach to man made climate change? Such as Abbott's recent removal of Australia wide marine park system and the impending removal of an environmentally significant part of Tasmania's forests from the world heritage list. An actual world first. That mining, logging, grazing of stock, fishing, hunting, fracking, ets, is to be allowed in national parks. Thanks to state level rules put in place by conservative state governments in QLD, VIC and NSW's.
Am I to be branded a fluffy bunny softie leftie cunt who should leave because he has a problem with the current mindless direction his country is going in. Just roll over and be one of the uncritical uninvoled, happily to be ignorant, Aussie good block crowd. For fear of being labeled unaustralian an ostracized.
Or told
"If you don't like it Leave"
No there is nothing wrong with a positive love of your country and flag. Nor having school kids sing the national anthem. I'm offended when stupid dumb fucks expect me to line up in their vitriol of hapless and desperate refuges. To fall into line and be uncritical of Gina's and others like her use and abuse of the 457 visa system. Bringing in hapless migrants to work as little as $5 an hour will Abbott plans to make unemployed Australians work for three months for fucken free. Now that's what I call unaustralian and she and the likes of her should be made to fuck off.
Once upon a time our nation had a strong union movement supported by a very active, informed and involved Australian population that kept the Tories and their plans in check. That didn't have a problem with refugees. Which tried to get the balance between development and the environment right.
An Australia, on Australia day, that didn't get into mindless chest beating flag waving nationalism as we see in other countries and were proud of the fact. Now that's the Australia I wish to celebrate and honor. It's the Australia I sadly miss.
Uncritical mindless nationalism has being used before in other countries , ie Germany in the 30's and early 40's to violently attack minorities and push the population into supporting totally unjustifiable war. The right are infamous using nationalism as a tool to convince the working classes to vote against their interests. It has also being used in Australia. EG. Howard and the Tamper and child over board affair. Which was largely a right wing press beat up. Which resulted in just two week before a federal election Howard coming from 20 points behind Beasley, the then Labor opposition leader, to comfortably win a second term. Howard went on to win another two terms under the banner of Labor is week on refugees and border protection.
Post script: Since when do bigots have the right to claim exclusive ownership of the Australian flag and nationalism. No you fuck off and leave.
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